Tag Archives: iFR

DEFINE FLAIR and IFR SWEDEHEART: Safety in Revascularization Based on FFR and iFR in Both Stable and ACS Patients

What Is the Long-Term Outcome of Lesions Deferred Using FFR/iFR?

What Is the Long-Term Outcome of Lesions Deferred Using FFR/iFR?

The presence of inducible ischemia is an essential prerequisite to obtain clinical benefits from revascularization through angioplasty. In that sense, the measurement of fractional flow reserve (FFR) is the gold standard as regards invasive methods assessing the functional significance of epicardial artery stenosis. As opposed to FFR, the measurement of the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR)

¿Podría el FFR ser reemplazado para la evaluación fisiológica de una lesión intermedia?

Physiologically Assessing Intermediate Stenosis: Could FFR Be Replaced?

Fractional flow reserve (FFR) and instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) are commonly used to assess physiological severity of angiographically intermediate stenosis. Both indexes quantify a pressure ratio as subrogate to measuring flow, which is much harder to do. Discordance between FFR and iFR occurs in up to 20% of cases, which should not be a matter

iFR en lesiones no culpables: el momento de la medición parece cambiar la historia

iFR in Nonculprit Lesions: Measurement Timing May Change History

During primary angioplasty, it is not uncommon to see several other lesions in coronary arteries. Current guidelines advise against the treatment of these lesions in the same primary angioplasty procedure, although there is evidence supporting such a course of action that may warrant changes in these recommendations. The functional assessment of these nonculprit lesions may

FFR post angioplastia

DEFINE FLAIR and IFR SWEDEHEART: Safety in Revascularization Based on FFR and iFR in Both Stable and ACS Patients

The safety of physiology-based coronary revascularisation has been supported by evidence for years now. DEFER (1998-2001) was one of the first related studies. However, major changes in device and medical treatment safety and efficacy have taken place since then. This could affect clinical results, particularly as regards acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Several studies have cast
