Coronary Disease articles

AHA 2023

AHA 2023 | MINT: Liberal vs Restrictive Transfusion in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

AHA 2023 | MINT: Liberal vs Restrictive Transfusion in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

The aim of this study was to assess hard end points such as death or MI in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) presenting hemoglobin levels lower than 10 mg/dl. It was a randomized multicenter double blind trial including 3506 participants. The study looked at different transfusion strategies, comparing restrictive strategy with 7-8 g/dl hemoglobin

AHA 2023

AHA 2023 | ORBITA-2: PCI vs. Placebo in Stable Angina for Symptom Reduction

In patients with stable chronic angina, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is often conducted to relieve symptoms. However, there is still some uncertainty regarding whether PCI provides superior symptomatic relief compared with a placebo in patients not receiving anti-anginal medication. Researchers conducted a controlled and randomized study in which patients with stable angina discontinued all anti-anginal
