Venous Thrombosis articles

SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 | Acute pulmonary embolysmworkflow: Patient Screening & Endovascular treatment indications – Dr. João Luiz Frighetto

SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 | Acute pulmonary embolysmworkflow: Patient Screening & Endovascular treatment indications – Dr. João Luiz Frighetto

Read the most outstanding articles from SOLACI-SBHCI 2023 Congress. In this case, check the presentation by Dr. João Luiz Frighetto, entitled “Acute pulmonary embolysmworkflow: Patient Screening & Endovascular treatment indications”

Un guiño para la trombólisis guiada por Catéter en tromboembolismo pulmonar

CLOUT Registry: Thrombectomy in TVP with ClotTriever

Safety and efficacy of the ClotTriever device in extended deep vein thrombosis.  The endovascular treatment of thromboembolic disease has evolved and new devices have come out in the last few years to reduce morbimortality from its complications. Sub-treating this pathology has long term implications, such as reduced quality of life, limiting functional class and, worst
