
bivalirudina heparina eventos cardiovasculares adversos

Cardiovascular Events Reduction: Bivalirudin or Heparin?

The MATRIX study did not find a clear advantage of bivalirudin over unfractioned heparin to reduce major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) or net cardiovascular adverse events (NCAE) in patients undergoing acute coronary syndrome receiving PCI.   This new analyzis confirms there is no difference in ischemic and thrombotic events in patients with acute coronary syndrome...

balon liberador de paclitaxel eficacia a largo plazo

Paclitaxel Drug Coated Balloon in Femoral: Effective at Long Term?

In patients with symptomatic peripheral vascular disease, the paclitaxel coated balloon showed superior efficacy at 3 years compared to the conventional balloon, in addition to very good results at one year when tested in the real world outside strict trial inclusion/exclusion criteria.   Both the IN.PACT SFA trial and the IN.PACT SFA global registry showed...

leak paravalvular

Percutaneous Device Closure of PVL: An Alternative to Surgery

Paravalvular Leak (PVL) occurs in 5 to 17% of patients undergoing surgical valve replacement. Percutaneous device closure of PVL represents an alternative to repeat surgery.   All centers in UK and Ireland performing percutaneous PVL closure delivered their data to the UK PVL registry. Data were analyzed for factors associated with mortality and major cardiovascular...

enfermedad de múltiples vasos síndrome coronario agudo

ACS and Multivessel Disease: How to proceed

Gentileza del Dr. Javier Castro   In the daily practice, a high percentage of ST elevation myocardial infarction patients (STEMI) present multivessel disease (40-65%). This group of patients presents worse clinical evolution and higher mortality than patients with one culprit lesion.   When PCI is indicated to a patient with significant lesions in more than...

dr marco antonio martinez rios

Martínez Ríos: “SOLACI Went from a Dream to a World-Renowned Society”

Dr. Marco Antonio Martínez Ríos comes from a family of physicians. “Studying Medicine was the most natural thing in the world for me,” admits Martínez Ríos, who in 1993 became president of the Latin American Group of Interventional Cardiology (Grupo Latinoamericano de Cardiología Intervencionista, GLACI), the seed that would grow to become SOLACI in 1994.  ...

acv angioplastia carotidea

Carotid PCI at Long Term: Effective in Stroke Prevention?

There are no data outside controlled studies, neither are there long term outcomes, on carotid artery stenting. This study was designed to assess the long term effectiveness of carotid stenting to prevent strokes in a large number of real life patients.   This registry included prospective data with a strict follow up protocol on 901...

Doctor con tabletas de aspirinas

Prasugrel vs. Ticagrelor in Diabetics with Heart Disease

Diabetic patients are increased risk of thrombotic events, which is why an effective antiplatelet therapy is crucial for these patients. Both prasugrel and ticagrelor have shown to reduce thrombotic complications further than clopidogrel.   Subgroup analyzes of the most important studies testing prasugrel and ticagrelor vs. clopidogrel have shown that diabetic patients receiving the new...

duración terapia de doble antiagregación plaquetaria

Procedural Complexity Affects Decision-Making Regarding DAPT Duration

Much of the speculation around the way of individualizing dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) duration after coronary angioplasty has focused on clinical parameters (e. g., diabetes), but a new study published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) and presented at the last European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress warns about anatomical factors as...

bifurcaciones tap o culotte provisional stenting

Culotte vs. TAP in Bifurcations: Which is Better?

Courtesy of Dr. Agustín Vecchia.   In treating bifurcations, the provisional stenting strategy continues to be preferred. However, a percentage of these lesions must be treated with two stents, which involves different techniques. In provisional stenting, when two stents are required, a recent consensus document of the European Bifurcation Club has recently recommended the TAP...
