
EUROMAX: Early and prolonged infusion of bivalirudin reduces mortality in AMI

Bivalirudin reduced mortality and bleeding compared to heparin and glycoprotein IIbIIIa in HORIZONS- AMI study. However there was a higher rate of acute stent thrombosis in patients receiving bivalirudin. This randomized study (> 90 % randomized in the ambulance) enrolled 2218 patients with ASTEMIto prolonged infusion of bivalirudin compared with heparin -associated glycoprotein inhibitors. The...

ACCOAST: Pretreatment with prasugrel showed no benefits and increased bleeding in patients with non-ST segment myocardial infarction.

This study evaluated the administration of prasugrel at the time of diagnosis of non-ST segment acute coronary syndrome vs administration at the time of the coronary angiography without indication of angioplasty. 4033 enrolled patients with non-ST segment acute coronary syndrome and positive troponin levels were randomized and who would undergo the angiography between 2 and...

What is a Catheterization?

A catheterization is a procedure used to examine the condition of arteries in a specific organ of the body, for example, the arteries of the heart. To visualize vessels, an iodinated contrast dye is injected directly into the artery, which is reached from the peripheral access sites (a.k.a. thegroin, femoral access, traditionally preferred; the wrist,...

Educational Journal N° 91

EDITORIAL Dr. Antonio Carlos C. Carvalho REVISIÓN DE TEMAS DE INTERÉS Dra. Claudia Maria Rodrigues Alves Estrategia farmacoinvasiva – Revisión de las evidencias Dr. José Augusto M. Souza Acceso radial en el infarto agudo de miocardio CASO CLÍNICO Dr. Adriano Barbosa IAM postrombólisis con alta carga de trombo PASO A PASO Dr. José Marconi Almeida...

Peripheral adenosine infusion versus central access infusion during measurement of FFR

Original title: FFR in the Transradial Era: Will Hand Vein Adenosine Infusion Suffice?A Comparative Study of the Extent, Rapidity, and Stability of Hyperemia From Hand and Femoral Venous Routes of Adenosine Administration. Reference: Peter Scott et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2015, online before print.   The aim of this study was to compare the administration of...

Net clinical benefit of bivalirudin in STEMI patients

Original title: Bivalirudin Versus Heparin With or Without Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in Patients With STEMI Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Pooled Patient-Level Analysis From the HORIZONS-AMI and EUROMAX Trials. Reference: Stone GW et al. J Am CollCardiol. 2015 Jan 6;65(1):27-38. The HORIZONS-AMI (Harmonizing Outcomes with RevasculariZatiON and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction) that included 3602 STEMI patients undergoing...

Percutaneous treatment of aortic coarctation with self-expandable uncovered nitinol stent

Original title: Percutaneous treatment of adult isthmic aortic coarctation: acute and long-term clinical and imaging outcome with a self-expandable uncovered nitinol stent. Reference: Kische S et al. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Jan;8(1).   The aim of this study was to show perioperative and long term results of the percutaneous treatment of aortic coarctation with the self-expandable uncovered nitinol...

Complications of peripheral angioplasty access

Original title: Access Site Complications After Peripheral Vascular Interventions. Incidence, Predictors, and Outcomes. Reference: Daniel Ortiz et al. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Nov 11. Epub ahead of print.   Hematomas and pseudoaneurysms are the most common complications of peripheral angioplasty, though its incidence and risk factors are unclear. A retrospective analysis was performed in 22226 patients receiving peripheral...

Less Bleeding at the Expense of a Higher Risk of Acute Thrombosis with Bivalirudin

Original title: Bivalirudin versus heparin in patients treated with percutaneous coronary Intervention: a meta-analysis of randomised trials. Reference: Salvatore Cassese et al. EuroIntervention 2014;10-online publish-ahead-of-print August 2014. Current recommendations for the use of bivalirudin in PCI patients are mostly based on studies comparing bivalirudin vs. heparin combined with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors. Whether bivalirudin is superior to heparin alone...

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention to Unprotected Left Main Stem In Different Coronary Syndromes

Original title: Comparative Outcomes After Unprotected Left Main Stem Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A National Linked Cohort Study of 5,065 Acute and Elective Cases From the BCIS Registry (British Cardiovascular Intervention Society). Reference: Sami S. Almudarra, et al. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2014;7:717-30 Although myocardial revascularization surgery has long been the gold standard treatment for left main lesions, PCI has...
