Aortic stenosis

¿Se debe tener en cuenta el género para revascularizar el tronco?

Myocardial Fibrosis in Severe Aortic Stenosis: A Matter of Sex?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Aortic valve calcification and its resulting stenosis leads to changes in left ventricle hemodynamics, producing diffuse ischemia followed by inflammation, increased extracellular matrix, necrosis, and later, diffuse fibrosis.  At present, with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) we can analyze ventricular architecture and its function by detecting fibrosis (LGE) and its volume...

AHA 2019 | RECOVERY: Cirugía precoz en estenosis aórtica severa asintomática

AHA 2019 | RECOVERY: Early Surgery in Asymptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis

This small randomized study heated the debate about when to intervene aortic stenosis (AS). Putting off surgical valve replacement (SAVR) in patients with asymptomatic AS and waiting for symptom onset with conservative care increased periprocedural risk and all cause cardiovascular death.   This study presented by Dr Duk-Hyun Kang during AHA 2019 scientific sessions (simultaneously published...

ESC 2019 | ¿Qué tan benigna es la estenosis aórtica moderada?

ESC 2019 | How Benign Is Moderate Aortic Stenosis?

Data from a great Australian registry of nearly 250,000 people with a 5-year follow-up, presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2019 in Paris and simultaneously published in J Am Coll Cardiol, suggest that mortality due to severe aortic stenosis is similar to that due to moderate aortic stenosis. These data warn us...

Intentando reducir la insuficiencia renal post TAVI

Kidney Insufficiency and the Risk of Developing Aortic Stenosis in the Future

Chronic kidney disease, even in moderate or severe stages before dialysis, is associated with an increased risk of aortic stenosis according to this work recently published in J Am Coll Cardiol. Both share several risk factors, something that complicates the identification of the association between these diseases due to multiple confounding variables.   The study...

¿Qué usar para medir funcionalmente una lesión coronaria en el contexto de estenosis aórtica severa?

Un Underestimated Symptom of Aortic Stenosis

For the first time, this long term observational study on a large cohort of contemporary patients with aortic stenosis (AS), has shown syncope is an underestimated threat, associated with worse prognosis after surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR). It is interesting to note that other symptoms or early signs of AS that will normally indicate SAVR...

Anillo pequeño, ¿debemos comenzar a elegir la válvula?

How long should we wait with asymptomatic aortic stenosis and preserved LVEF?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis with preserved ventricular function is challenging. At present, it remains unclear whether we should operate or not and, according to some recent reports, neither do we know what patients will benefit from surgery. The study looked at 1678 patients with asymptomatic or minimally asymptomatic severe aortic...


Are Aortic Stenosis and Kidney Dysfunction Associated?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Aortic stenosis happens in 2.8% of patients over 75, and is even more frequent in dialysis patients. However, it remains unclear whether kidney dysfunction increases the risk of aortic stenosis. The present study looked at 1,121,875 patients from the SCREAM project (Stockholm CREAtinine Measurements).   Mean age was 50, and...


Aortic Stenosis and Dialysis: Is TAVR the Strategy of Choice?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. TAVR has been shown beneficial in high and moderate risk patients, but there is a group of patients that require dialysis on account of kidney deterioration.  This comorbidity is due to bad cardiovascular evolution associated to diabetes, bleeding and thromboembolic events.   For some time, we have been using an...

iFR en lesiones no culpables: el momento de la medición parece cambiar la historia

iFR Assessment of Intermediate Aortic Stenosis Lesions Consolidates

Once a big void that prevented us from effectively assessing functional compromise, intermediate aortic stenosis has made us treat many lesions “just in case”, to save us what would be a complicated procedure, had a valve been placed. Auspiciously, some light has been shed by several, most welcome, studies simultaneously published in J Am Coll...
