
El FFR ahorra síntomas a los pacientes y costos a los financiadores de salud

FFR vs Angiography Guided CABG

In the daily practice and in randomized studies such as Syntax or Freedom, most cardiovascular surgeons across the world use angiography guided CABG to teat 50% coronary stenosis. Many of these lesions might not be functionally significant. There is abundant evidence in favor of fractional flow reserve (FFR) guided PCI, but FFR guided CABG is...

LeDRA: Acceso radial izquierdo “distal” para angiografía y angioplastia

EuroPCR 2018 | LeDRA: Left Distal Radial Approach for angiography and angioplasty

The left distal radial artery has been recently proposed as an alternative in selected patients with high success rate and low complications rate. This study evaluated the feasibility and safety of this puncture both for coronary angiography and angioplasty. It included 200 consecutive patients with palpable left distal radial artery punctured by three expert operators....

SYNTAX III REVOLUTION: Muy buena correlación entre angiografía y tomografía en pacientes con tronco y múltiples vasos.

EuroPCR 2018 | SYNTAX III REVOLUTION: Excellent Correlation Between Angiography and Computerized Tomography in Patients with Left Main and Multivessel Disease

In patients with left main or three-vessel coronary disease, heart team decisions on revascularization strategy (angioplasty or surgery) may be made based solely on noninvasive computerized tomography (CT) angiography, since there is great correlation between its results and those determined by conventional angiography. For the SYNTAX III REVOLUTION study, Dr. Serruys and his colleagues randomized...

El uso de imágenes intravasculares para guiar la angioplastia reduce el riesgo de muerte cardiovascular en comparación con la angiografía

The Use of Intravascular Imaging to Guide PCI Reduces Cardiovascular Death Risk, Compared to Angiography

Intravascular imaging, which includes ultrasound intravascular (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT), shows live details that better characterize post stenting plaque, anatomy and outcomes.  The already familiar limitations of the angiography has lead us to think that IVUS and OCT could improve clinical outcomes; however, we should still find the evidence to support this claim. To shed some...

La coronariografía precoz reduce la mortalidad en SCA sin supradesnivel del ST de alto riesgo

Early Coronary Angiography in High-Risk Non-ST-Elevation ACS

Coronary angiography is essential for patients admitted with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome, since it allows physicians to confirm the diagnosis, stratify the risk, and define the revascularization and antithrombotic management strategies.   There is no doubt that these patients should be studied invasively, but the timing for that is still uncertain.   Coronary catheterization within...

ivus vs angiografia nuevos stents farmacologicos

IVUS vs. Angiography in New-Generation Drug-Eluting Stents Preimplantation

Courtesy of Dr. Guillermo Migliaro. The latest 2011 American College of Cardiology (ACC) guideline states that “coronary intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) may be considered for guidance of coronary stent implantation, particularly in cases of left main coronary artery stenting (Class IIB, Level of Evidence: B).” This has been long debated with no clear winners. This analysis provides new information...


FFRangio: New Software Derives FFR Value from Angiography

Original Title: Image-based FFR during coronary catheterization. Presenter: Mariano Pellicano.   Fractional flow reserve (FFR) is considered the gold standard to detect myocardial ischemia; however, due to its elevated cost, increased procedural time and potential complications associated to the guiding catheter, it is still underused. The FFRangio is a new technology based of angiographic images...


FAVOR: Diagnostic Accuracy of FFR derived from coronary angiography, the QFR

Original Title: Diagnostic accuracy of a fast computational approach to derive FFR from coronary X-ray angiography: results from the international multicenter FAVOR (Functional Assessment by Varios flow Reconstruction) pilot study. Presenter: Shengxian Tu.   Pressure gradient across coronary stenosis is associated to flow and influenced by obstruction geometry. The QFR (quantitative flow ratio) is a...
