primary angioplasty

El ticagrelor muestra beneficios en la función microvascular coronaria luego de un IAMSEST

Ticagrelor Shows Benefits in Coronary Microvascular Function after NSTEMI

Coronary microvascular disfunction (CMD) is an important long-term prognosis predictor. CMD treatment can be an effective therapeutic strategy for patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Nevertheless, more studies are needed to assess different strategies. In the PLATO (Study of Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes) study, ticagrelor vs. clopidogrel reduced ischemic events and overall mortality in...

ACC 2022

ACC 2022 | FLAVOUR Study: FFR and IVUS in Intermediate Coronary Lesions

FLAVOUR was a prospective randomized non-inferiority study in patients with intermediate coronary lesions (40%-70%) that compared two imaging modalities: IVUS (intravascular imaging) and FFR (fractional flow reserve).  According to this research—presented at ACC 2022—, FFR-guided angioplasty was non-inferior to IVUS-guided angioplasty at 2 years of follow-up. Furthermore, using FFR-based imaging led to fewer stent implantations....

ELUVIA: DES en territorio femoropoplíteo con lesiones complejas

Should We Start Stenting with DES in Femoropopliteal Territory?

Percutaneous intervention of femoropopliteal lesions have been the standard strategy these past two decades. The development of drug eluting stents (DES) or drug eluting balloons (DEB) has improved patency rate compared against conventional balloon angioplasty. The ILLUMINA -a multicenter study- looked into the polymer free self-expanding stent NiTiDES, which showed at 1 year an 87%...

¿Hay diferencias entre mujeres y hombres luego de una intervención percutánea?

Are There Differences Between Women and Men After a Percutaneous Intervention?

Prior research has shown that women with coronary artery disease who undergo percutaneous revascularization present more comorbidities, require less aggressive treatments, have greater long-term morbidity rates and worst functional status and/or post-procedure angina. This study used data from the CPORT-E trial (Cardiovascular Patient Outcomes Research Team Non primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) to assess baseline differences...


STEMI: Can We Omit Stenting?

The recommended treatment for ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) is early PCI, typically stenting. However, stent implantation always involves the risk of intravascular complications, such as stent thrombosis or restenosis.   Sometimes stable flow is restored to the target vessel after initial PCI and we can omit stenting when there is no angiographically significant residual...

La FDA aprueba el ticagrelor en pacientes de alto riesgo como prevención primaria

Abbreviated DAPT in ACS: The End of Clopidogrel Monotherapy?

Compared with patients with chronic coronary syndromes, patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are more likely to suffer from long term major adverse cardiac events (MACE). To prevent this, both the American and the European guidelines recommend prolonging dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in this population for at least 12 months. However, in patients with certain clinical...

El uso del ultrasonido intravascular en la angioplastia de tronco no protegido se asocia con mejores resultados en comparación con la angioplastia guiada solo por angiografía.

IVUS in Acute Coronary Syndrome: A New Requirement?

The use of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) has seen exponential growth across registries over the years, combined with mounting and increasingly robust evidence. The fact that it will enable us to characterize plaque morphology and extension prior the intervention, and even assess stent expansion post intervention, has turned it into a pillar of our efforts to...

The Most Relevant Articles of 2021 in Pharmacology

This last year, new data in pharmacology gave way to changes in practices and new hypotheses, when not simply further justified the already existing evidence. In this new editorial section, we share the most relevant of last year’s works to keep you up to speed on the main topics in the field. The Most Relevant...

TCT 2021 | FAVOR III: FFR derivado de la angiografía. Una herramienta que ahorra eventos

TCT 2021 | FAVOR III: Angiography-Derived FFR: An Event-Prevention Tool

Compared with visual estimation of lesions, using quantitative angiography-derived fractional flow reserve (quantitative flow ration, QFR) provides better clinical outcomes at one year for angioplasty. These results emerge from the Chinese FAVOR III study, presented at the 2021 TCT scientific sessions and simultaneously published in The Lancet. The simplicity and safety offered by QRF—since there is...

The Most Read Articles in August in Interventional Cardiology

01- Best Revascularization Strategy in Patients with Left Ventricular Deterioration Multivessel disease associated to ventricular function deterioration is challenging in terms of risk, when choosing a revascularization strategy.  Read also HERE 02- SOLACI Renewed Authorities During the SOLACI-CACI 2021 Congress After a massive event attended by thousands of people, the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology renewed its authorities for...
