
¡Gracias a todos por ser parte de las Jornadas SOLACI Paraguay 2022!

Thanks everyone for making part of Paraguay SOLACI Sessions 2022!

We have reached the end of SOLACI Sessions 44th edition.&nbsp; We have enjoyed 2 days of intense scientific activities with multiple educational symposia, case study discussions, theoretical and practical approaches to issues of interest in interventional cardiology and fruitful knowledge exchange between prestigious colleagues from Paraguay and Latin America.&nbsp; With over 200 registered attendees and<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Comenzaron las Jornadas PAraguay 2022

The XLIV Paraguay Sessions Have Started &#8211; Day 1

The day is finally here. The XLIV SOLACI Sessions (15th Southern Cone Region) began in Paraguay, with participants attending both in person and virtually, and the participation of prestigious interventional cardiologists from Paraguay and Latin America. The event is a scientific success, with over 200 registrations for in-person attendance and 700+ people connecting via Zoom.<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Save the date Only 2 months for the SOLACI-SOCIME 2022 Congress

Save the date Only 2 months for the SOLACI-SOCIME 2022 Congress

August is the month in which we meet again to continue developing interventional cardiology on the continent. Discover all the attractions of an unmissable event: Register Now First International Faculties Confirmed Meet some of the renowned specialists who will be part of the event. Call For Science: Send Your Work Submit your work now and<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

SOLACI-SOCIME 2022 | Present Your Work at the Congress and Take Your Carrer to the Next Level

The call for scientific research, posters, and oral presentations at the SOLACI-SOCIME 2022 Congress is NOW open. Submit your work now and position yourself as an expert at the most convening meeting of interventional cardiologists in the region. Send Your Work DEADLINE: JULY 15TH, 2022. More information about the Call for Science This year, we<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Deadline Extended! Send Your Case Before Friday 13th

Clinical Case Contest for Young Interventionists In order to give opportunities to all professionals in the region, we decided to&nbsp;extend the deadline for submitting cases to participate in the Young Interventional Cardiologists Contest that will be held during the Paraguay 2022 Sessions for another 10 days. New Deadline: Friday, May 13, 2022 Send us your<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Paraguay Sessions 2022 | Last week to send your case

Case Study Registration for the Young Interventionists Contest at Paraguay Sessions 2022 is still open.&nbsp; Send us your case study before Monday, May 2nd and participate in the traditional Sessions initiative where a renowned international panel of specialists will assess and appraise the work sent by young Latin American interventional cardiologists from all corners of<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Paraguay Sessions 2022 | Clinical Case Contest for Young Interventionists

The contest ended. The authors of the selected cases for live presentation have been contacted by email Call for Case Submission XLIV SOLACI Regional Sessions 15° Southern Cone. June 30 to July 1, 2022 | Asunción &#8211; Paraguay. It is with great pleasure that we hereby invite all young Latin American cardiologists to submit<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Encuesta para evaluar la reperfusión del infarto de miocardio en LATAM

Survey to Evaluate Myocardial Infarction Reperfusion in LatAm

The Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology together with the Interamerican Society of Cardiology (SIAC) and the Stent-Save a Life! Initiative have developed a short survey (which can be answered in less than 5 minutes) to learn how ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes are treated in Latin America. The final objective of this survey is<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Jornadas Paraguay: Concurso de Jóvenes Cardiólogos

Paraguay 2022 Sessions

44th SOLACI Regional Sessions &#8211; 15th Southern Cone Regional Meeting June 30th &#8211; July 1st The 44th SOLACI Regional Sessions (15th Region Southern Cone) took place from June 30 to July 1 at the Convention Center &#8220;Paseo La Galería&#8221; in the beautiful city of Asuncion, Paraguay. Its purpose, as a fundamental part of our Sessions<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

¿Son las válvulas autoexpandibles una opción válida en las bicúspides?

Are Self-Expandable Valves a Valid Option in Bicuspids?

Bicuspid Aortic Valves (VAV) are challenging for TAVR given its anatomical characteristics and the important presence of calcification. However, current data are promising.&nbsp; Even though traditionally excluded from the larger randomized studies, self-expandable valves appear to have similar evolution to tricuspid aortic valves (TAV) with severe stenosis.&nbsp; Researchers looked at the Low-Risk Bicuspid Study and<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>
