
ESC 2021 | Injuria aguda y crónica por COVID-19 y su impacto en la mortalidad

ESC 2021 | Acute and Chronic Myocardial Injury in COVID-19 Patients and Impact in Mortality

In patients hospitalized for COVID-19, both acute and chronic myocardial injury impact survival at 6 months. In addition, the risk does not disappear after the acute phase of the disease, instead it persists in the following months among those who survive.&nbsp; This study was presented at the scientific sessions of ESC 2021 and was simultaneously<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Regístrese al Congreso SOLACI-CACI 2021

SOLACI-CACI 2021 Is Here!

After two long years, we meet again at the largest gathering of interventional cardiologists in Latin America: SOLACI-CACI&nbsp;2021 Congress. Between August 2 and 6, we will offer a virtual event of high scientific value with international sessions alongside the most prestigious societies worldwide, over 50 international guests, 2 rooms with simultaneous activities, a room with<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Download the Official Congress APP

DOWNLOAD THE OFFICIAL CONGRESS APP Only 7 days left for the SOLACI-CACI 2021 Virtual Congress! Download the official Congress APP and customize your experience at one of the greatest meetings of Interventional Cardiologists in Latin America. ANDROID iOS (APPLE) Register now for FREE &nbsp; Other ways to download the Official Congress APP If you have<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

SOLACI-CACI 2021 Virtual | Innovation in Interventional Cardiovascular and Endovascular Medicine

&nbsp; Join now to the largest gathering of interventional cardiologists in Latin America. Friday 6 &#8211; 14:00 to 16:00 (ART) (UTC -3) &#8211; LIVE &nbsp; Chairpersons: David Vetcher, Luis de la Fuente &amp; José Luis Leiva Pons &nbsp; &nbsp; The Best innovation in Structural, Coronary, Interventional suite, Hemodynamic Support in Interventional Heart Failure &#8211; Juan<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

DKCRUSH-V: El tronco de la coronaria izquierda no es una bifurcación más

Bifurcations: A Long Return Journey

When it looked like the simplest techniques reach the best outcomes, along came the DK Crush studies. Indeed, after the COVIS III results in bifurcations, it appeared we had started to retrace our steps back to the foundation.&nbsp; The purpose of this study was to compare long term outcomes of the remarkably simple 1-stent strategy<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

SOLACI/SIAC Latin American Clinical Guidelines on TAVR vs. SAVR Published

The Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology is proud to announce that the Latin American Clinical Guidelines on TAVR vs. SAVR on patients with severe aortic stenosis have been published. This high-quality scientific work was published in the Heart BMJ Journal and is the result of an arduous joint effort between SOLACI (through its Research<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

SOL SOLACI Program Took Part in the Venezuela Sessions 2021 with a New Charitable Case

SOLACIs SOLidario Program took part in the XLII Regional SOLACI Sessions in Venezuela, where a charitable intervention was performed in collaboration with the Venezuelan Society of Interventional&nbsp;Cardiology (SOVECI) and&nbsp; Caracas University Hospital. In this opportunity, physicians treated a 60-year-old patient with significant heart disease under study for acute myocardial infarction after thrombolysis. Coronary angiography identified<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Jornadas Venezuela 2021

Venezuela Sessions 2021

We invite you to revisit the XLII SOLACI Venezuela Sessions (14th Andean Region), and the XVIII SOVECI Congress held virtually on May 26-28, 2021. The event had 3 days of intense scientific activity with massive attendance, which is both a sign of major support and a challenge to continue promoting the best continuing medical education<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

ACC 2021 | TALOS-AMI: desescalar luego de 1 mes de ticagrelor a clopidogrel

ACC 2021 | TALOS-AMI: De-escalating from Ticagrelor to Clopidogrel after One Month

After one-month dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with aspirin and ticagrelor, a net clinical benefit was observed when de-escalating to clopidogrel in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients treated with PCI.&nbsp; We have discussed the pros and cons of de-escalating from a potent antiplatelets Such as ticagrelor to clopidogrel since the TOPIC&nbsp;presented at EuroPCR in 2017. What<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

ACC 2021 | Cirugía de emergencia en el infarto: beneficios a pesar del alto riesgo

ACC 2021 | Emergent CABG for acute MI: Benefits Despite Risk

The latest figures show a lower number of emergency CABG for acute MI, and in turn increased primary PCI.&nbsp; The combination of surgeons not willing to take risks and interventional cardiologists empowered to treat practically any lesion has resulted in fewer patients receiving emergency CABG. Only a few years ago, interventional cardiologists at least had<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>
