Tag Archives: carotid artery stenting

El acceso radial se asocia a menor mortalidad y menor sangrado en los pacientes cursando un infarto con supradesnivel del segmento ST que reciben angioplastia primaria.

The Whole Toolkit Tested in Carotid Artery Stenting

The Whole Toolkit Tested in Carotid Artery Stenting

This study sought to randomly compare the double-layer Roadsaver stent (Terumo) with the single-layer Carotid Wallstent device (Boston) in association with either distal filter-like embolic protection device FilterWire (Boston) or proximal protection device Mo.Ma (Medtronic) in patients with lipid-rich carotid plaques. This is a very interesting work because there are no head-to-head simultaneous comparisons between
