Tag Archives: ERCTO Registry

¿Se justifica utilizar filtro de protección distal en los puentes venosos?

ERCTO Registry: Chronic Total Occlusion Treatment Outcomes

ERCTO Registry: Chronic Total Occlusion Treatment Outcomes

Chronic total occlusion (CTO) affect up to 20% of patients undergoing angiographic diagnostic tests. During the last two decades, recanalization technique refinement, the development of specific devices and operator skill improvement have elevated procedural success rate up to 90%. However, there are still particular complications such as collateral perforation and access site complications. This is

Disnea y oclusiones totales crónicas: un síntoma que podemos aliviar (o al menos intentarlo)

Contemporary Outcomes of CTO PCI in Europe: The ERCTO Registry

Roughly 20% or coronary angiographies show some form of chronic total occlusion (CTO), and this figure is twice as high for diabetic patients or those with cardiac failure and reduced ejection fraction (EF). CTO percutaneous intervention (PCI) has experienced a significant growth thanks to the development of new techniques and dedicated material. However, a considerable
