Calcium intake did not affect cardiovascular health

Medical experts say there is no excuse to suspend calcium intake or calcium mineral supplements and that everyone should consume between 500 and 1,000 milligrams per day to prevent osteoporosis and, consequently, the risk of fractures. Controversy indicated that calcium intake promoted the formation of atheromatous plaques and increased the risk of heart attack was ruled out after it was shown that there was an error in the research methodology.

It is extremely useful for bone health and is necessary to maintain a diet greater than 500 milligrams per day, the maximum is 1,000 milligrams daily. If less, the body moves the bone calcium for vital functions support, which are known as negative calcium balance

The ideal form of calcium ingested is through the diet. Points out that a glass of milk or yogurt, contains 300 milligrams, 4 sardines, 500 milligrams; cheese, between 200 and 300 milligrams, green vegetables, such as cauliflower and broccoli also contain the mineral. 



