SOLACI -SIAC collaboration agreement

As the President of the Interamerican Society of Cardiology, (SIAC), I am honored to sign this important agreement with SOLACI. Our societies have an enormous responsibility to improve cardiology in Latin America and we know that this is not an easy task: we are nations with different backgrounds, sometimes different languages and at different stages of economic development, which makes the goal of achieving a consistent level of cardiology in all our countries a serious challenge. This can only be achieved by joining in common the efforts of scientific societies such as SOLACI and SIAC, which can act as a catalyst to stimulate a high-level of good political cardiology and spread the “know-how” of successful experiences. As continental societies, it is our duty to represent Latin American countries in international relations with other societies and thus provide scientific support, encourage advocacy and help each of our cardiologists to access all the information and means to improve their practice, which will lead to our main objective which is to improve the delivery of health care to our patients! That’s why SIAC and SOLACI through this collaboration agreement expect to embark on a very fruitful era as two strong societies which have much to offer and, at the same time, much to learn from one another.

Dra. Marcia Barbosa | SIAC President

SIC and SOLACI have many things in common such as the area of influence in our continent and also several objectives aimed at improving the health of our population through the development of cardiovascular medicine: the difference may be that most members belong to two sub-specialties within that area of medicine. These coincidences make this framework agreement a starting point for cooperation between the two societies in order to achieve common goals. That is why I thank the immediate past President, Dr Daniel Piñeiro and current President, Dr Marcia Barbosa, for having nurtured this initiative of which we are proud and feel encouraged for future authorities that can use it as a milestone on the long road we have to travel.

Dr. Oscar Mendiz | SOLACI President


