acute myocardial infarction

SOL SOLACI Program Took Part in the Venezuela Sessions 2021 with a New Charitable Case

SOLACIs SOLidario Program took part in the XLII Regional SOLACI Sessions in Venezuela, where a charitable intervention was performed in collaboration with the Venezuelan Society of Interventional&nbsp;Cardiology (SOVECI) and&nbsp; Caracas University Hospital. In this opportunity, physicians treated a 60-year-old patient with significant heart disease under study for acute myocardial infarction after thrombolysis. Coronary angiography identified<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

ACC 2021 | ADAPTABLE: Bajas dosis de aspirina son iguales de efectivas y con muy bajo riesgo de sangrado

ACC 2021 | ADAPTABLE: Low Doses of Aspirin Are Equally Effective and Present Lower Bleeding Risk

Patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease taking aspirin as secondary prevention can take lower doses and achieve the same efficacy level as those taking 325&nbsp;mg. According to the ADAPTABLE study, presented at the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2021 Congress and simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), both schemes were associated with<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

ACC 2021 | TALOS-AMI: desescalar luego de 1 mes de ticagrelor a clopidogrel

ACC 2021 | TALOS-AMI: De-escalating from Ticagrelor to Clopidogrel after One Month

After one-month dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with aspirin and ticagrelor, a net clinical benefit was observed when de-escalating to clopidogrel in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients treated with PCI.&nbsp; We have discussed the pros and cons of de-escalating from a potent antiplatelets Such as ticagrelor to clopidogrel since the TOPIC&nbsp;presented at EuroPCR in 2017. What<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Reporte Mensual Febrero Registro LATAM Bif

LATAMBif Registry: February 2021 Report

The Latin American Registry of Percutaneous Coronary Bifurcations continues to develop at a steady pace.&nbsp; The aim of this prospective multicenter registry is to assess the reality of percutaneous coronary bifurcation to define its needs and establish effective strategies to perfect the daily clinical practice.&nbsp; Bellow you will find data from February 2021, which includes<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Registro LATAMBif | Reporte Enero 2021

LATAMBif Registry: January 2021 Report

The Latin American Registry of Percutaneous Coronary Bifurcations continues to develop at a steady pace. The aim of this prospective multicenter registry is to assess the reality of percutaneous coronary bifurcation to define its needs and establish effective strategies to perfect the daily clinical practice.&nbsp; Bellow you will find data from January 2021, which includes<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

High Risk Anatomy Challenges ISCHEMIA Outcomes

According to this recent analysis published in JAHA, patients with stable Ischemic heart disease and high-risk anatomy benefit from revascularization at long term vs. the conservative treatment.&nbsp; This goes against the study presented by Reynolds H et al at AHA 2020. Dr. Reynolds was a sub-study of the ISCHEMIA trial which had observed that even<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Most read articles of november

The Most Read Articles in Interventional Cardiology

01- Ticagrelor or Prasugrel in ST Elevation MI In patients undergoing ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) receiving primary PCI, no significative differences between prasugrel and ticagrelor were found. However, the latter was associated to a significantly higher number of repeat MI when considered separately.&nbsp; Read more HERE 02- Number of Hours of Sleep and<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Esquema corto y monoterapia, una práctica llena de evidencia

Antiplatelet Therapy in Elderly Population: Are the New P2Y12 Inhibitors Safe?

Should elderly patients stick to clopidogrel? The first large study on prasugrel showed an unacceptable increase of bleeding in elderly patients, suggesting the use of 5&nbsp;mg (although the sample size was small, which hindered the determination of dose efficacy). Later, ticagrelor showed better efficacy than clopidogrel without apparent safety concerns. However, specific evidence on elderly<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

ticagrelor vs. aspirina

Ticagrelor or Prasugrel in ST Elevation MI

In patients undergoing ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) receiving primary PCI, no significative differences between prasugrel and ticagrelor were found. However, the latter was associated to a significantly higher number of repeat MI when considered separately.&nbsp; Few studies have compared the efficacy and safety of the two most potent oral P2Y12 receptor inhibitors in<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Seguridad de combinar los nuevos anticoagulantes y la doble antiagregación

Is Loading NSTEMI with DAPT Convenient?

Pretreating non-ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients with P2Y12 receptor inhibitors is not associated with improved clinical outcomes as it is to increased bleeding. NSTEMI patients are often treated with platelet antiaggregants in the daily clinical practice despite the lack of evidence for its benefits. This Swedish registry prospectively included 64857 patients undergoing NSTEMI<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>
