¿Es seguro utilizar iFR para diferir lesiones del tronco de la coronaria izquierda?

Is the Use of iFR for the Deferral of Left Main Coronary Artery Lesions Safe?

Deferral of left main coronary artery lesions using instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) seems to be safe. At the least, patients with deferred lesions had similar long-term prognosis to that of patients who underwent revascularization based on that same indicator. Left main coronary artery lesions were universally excluded from studies including medical treatment among the therapeutic...

¿Se debe tener en cuenta el género para revascularizar el tronco?

iFR or FFR Measurements by Sex: Is Either One More Adequate?

According to the post hoc analysis of the DEFINE-FLAIR, patient sex seems to affect instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) and fractional flow reserve (FFR) guided revascularization outcomes. Even though this is not specified in the study protocols, it might affect the gold standard for functional lesion assessment.  However, clinical outcomes are similar with both strategies. Therefore,...

Impacto del FFR post stent ¿dato útil o solo una curiosidad?

Discordance Between FFR and iFR. Which Measurement Is More Important?

In the next days, Dr. Seung Hun and colleagues will publish in J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2019 a study that answers the title question and also brings peace of mind about the decisions we make based on one of these measurements or the other. This study assessed the physiologic characteristics of discordant lesions between...

Impacto del FFR post stent ¿dato útil o solo una curiosidad?

Clinical Events after Deferral of LAD Treatment Guided by FFR or iFR

iFR is a safe alternative for lesion deferral even when it comes to the left anterior descending artery (LAD). What is more, patients deferred with iFR showed significantly fewer events than patients deferred using FFR. Neither clinical cardiologists nor interventionists feel comfortable deferring LAD treatment, because it is often perceived as high risk. If functional...

iFR en lesiones no culpables: el momento de la medición parece cambiar la historia

iFR Assessment of Intermediate Aortic Stenosis Lesions Consolidates

Once a big void that prevented us from effectively assessing functional compromise, intermediate aortic stenosis has made us treat many lesions “just in case”, to save us what would be a complicated procedure, had a valve been placed. Auspiciously, some light has been shed by several, most welcome, studies simultaneously published in J Am Coll...

Nuevo dispositivo para medición del FFR permite cruzar la lesión con nuestra guía preferida

Safety of Lesion Deferral with iFR or FFR in Both Stable and Acute Patients

Overall, deferral of lesion revascularization is equally safe with both fractional flow reserve (FFR) and instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR), with a low rate of events of about 4%. Lesions were more frequently deferred when iFR (as opposed to FFR) was used for functional assessment. Among patients with deferred lesions, acute patients experienced significantly more events...

ACC 2018 | DEFINE-FLAIR Sub-Analysis: iFR More Comfortable, Faster, and Much Cheaper

Using instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) to guide decisions on revascularization of intermediate lesions is cheaper than using fractional flow reserve (FFR). Based on costs from the DEFINE-FLAIR trial, researchers estimate the difference to be almost USD 1000. This should not be seen as good news for any given technology (iFR, in this case), but for physiologic...

Routine FFR/iFR Reclassifies Treatment Strategies in Half of Cases

Routine invasive physiology assessment at time of angiography reclassifies treatment strategies in a big number of patients with lesions in 2 or 3 vessels, according to the multicenter prospective study DEFINE REAL, recently published in JACC Cardiovascular Interventions. The information obtained by measuring fractional flow reserve (FFR) or instantaneous wave free ratio (iFR) made interventionists modify their original plans in...

Impacto del FFR post stent ¿dato útil o solo una curiosidad?

The diagnostic performance of the iFR makes the FFR tremble

Despite the evidence, most stable patients continue to be managed based on coronary angiography and, worse, often without a prior non-invasive functional study. With the introduction of the FFR, we left the “anatomical” era for the “functional” era in the catheterization room, which has been proven to improve patients prognosis and, as if that were...
