critical ischemia

isquemia crítica de miembros inferiores

Angiosome: Is It Feasible in Critical Limb Ischemia?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava.   Critical limb ischemia (CLI) accompanied by tissue loss entails high risk of amputation. At present, there is substantial evidence in favor of revascularization by PCI according to the angiosome concept, but the feasibility of this treatment remains unclear.   161 compromised limbs were analyzed in 160 patients with foot...

Pedal arch patency, the challenge of critical limb ischemia

Original Title: Outcomes of Straight-Line Flow UIT and Without Pedal Arch in Patients UIT Critical Limb Ischemia. Reference: Akihiro Higashimori, et al. Catheterization and cardiovascular Intervention 2016;87:129-133 Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Establishing one straight line flow into a patent pedal arch in critical limb ischemia is a real challenge occasionally achieved. This study analyzed 137...

The poor prognosis of critical limb ischemia related to sub treatment

Original title: Peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischaemia: still poor outcomes and lack of guideline adherence. Reference: Reinecke H et al. Eur Heart J. 2015; Epub ahead of print.   This work included 41882 patients retrospectively from health insurance in Germany admitted with diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease between 2009 and 2011 and followed until 2013. Patients...

Angioplasty versus surgery in patients with critical lower limb ischemia

Original title: Comparative effectiveness of endovascular andsurgical revascularization for patients with peripheralartery disease and critical limb ischemia: Systematicreview of revascularization in critical limb ischemia. Reference: W Schuyler Jones, et al. (Am Heart J 2014; 167:167:489-498.e7) Lower limbs critical ischemia is the most severe condition of PAD. The morbidity, mortality and costs related thereto are well documented; however, the...

Endovascular treatment in critical limb ischemia, better permeability with similar mortality and amputation than surgery.

Original title: Comparative effectiveness of endovascular and surgical revascularization for patients with peripheral artery disease and critical limb ischemia. Reference: W. Schuyler Jones et al. American Heart Journal 2014. Epub ahead of print.   Critical limb ischemia is the most severe condition affecting patients with peripheral vascular disease. Mortality, morbidity, and costs associated with this condition are...

Critical limb ischemia, always try to revascularize

Original title: Endovascular Treatment for Infrainguinal Vessels in Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia : OLIVE Registry, a Prospective, Multicenter Study in Japan With 12-Month Follow-up. Reference: Osamu Iida et al. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2013;6:00-00 Patients with critical limb ischemia typically reveal rest pain and ischemic ulcers or gangrene. Prognosis is poor and mortality and amputation rate are elevated....

Riesgo de isquemia colónica luego de la reparación de aneurisma de aorta abdominal

Risk of Colonic Ischemia after Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair

This is the largest and most recent analyzis to show colonic ischemia is more frequent after open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (2.1% a 3.6%), compared against endovascular repair (0.5% a 1%), especially in elective patients. Most cases presented within the first 7 days. The evidence is not enough to determine the cause behind the different...

Acceso retrógrado mediante la arteria tibial para el tratamiento de oclusiones en territorio femoropoplíteo: ¿es una estrategia segura?

Treatment of Femoropopliteal Lesions with Low-Dose vs. High-Dose Drug-Coated Balloons

The use of drug-covered balloons (DCBs) has increased significantly for the endovascular treatment of femoropopliteal arterial disease. Previous studies on first-generation high-dose DCB (HD-DCB) have validated its benefits, thus supporting its recommendation in current clinical guidelines. However, there have been reports of adverse effects associated with paclitaxel and its excipients. Second-generation, lower-dose DCBs (LD-DCB) have...
