
ACC 2020 Virtual | ISCHEMIA: la calidad de vida no es un punto blando

Virtual ACC 2020 | ISCHEMIA: Quality of Life, Not a Soft Endpoint

In the general study, an invasive strategy followed by revascularization (when necessary) vs. an initially conservative strategy with OMT resulted similar in patients with stable CAD with moderate to severe ischemia. A secondary end point of this analysis were angina symptoms and quality of life. Angina symptoms, functional activity and quality of life were assessed...

ACC 2020 Virtual | Relación entre la severidad de la isquemia y la enfermedad coronaria

Virtual ACC 2020 | Relationship between Ischemia Severity and CAD

The ISCHEMIA trial enables countless sub-studies. Many of them have made part of the virtual ACC 2020, and among them you will find the present study.  This analysis finds it is the anatomy — rather than ischemia — which predicts events. And even more interesting is the fact that revascularizing this particular anatomy will not...

ACC 2020 Virtual | El controvertido estudio ISCHEMIA llega finalmente a NEJM

Virtual ACC 2020 | Controversial Trial ISCHEMIA Finally in NEJM

In November 2019, during the American Heart Association (AHA) 2019 Scientific Sessions, researchers presented this revolutionary trial that called the attention of all cardiologists. We had to wait until March to read the fine print; back then, a global pandemic such as the current one seemed out of a science-fiction tale. The world has changed...

ACC 2020 Virtual | Isquemia miocárdica inducida por brusco aumento del stress emocional

Virtual ACC 2020 | Myocardial Ischemia Induced by Sudden Mental Stress

Myocardial ischemia induced by sudden mental stress is associated with bad prognosis, especially in patients with a history of acute myocardial infarction according to this new study.  This study, called MIMS-2, was meant to be presented at ACC 2020 together with the World Congress of Cardiology in Chicago, which was shut down because of the...

isquemia crítica de miembros inferiores

New European Guidelines on the Management of Lower Limb Acute Ischemia

Clinical practice guidelines are usually tedious and, frankly, while a lot of people make an enormous effort to write them, they are ultimately read in full by just a few. These new European Guidelines on the Management of Lower Limb Acute Ischemia represent a special team effort, since they include physicians, cardiologists, surgeons, and interventionists,...

FFR in the Time of ISCHEMIA

The results of this great multicenter “real-life” registry are similar to those of randomized clinical trials that studied fractional flow reserve (FFR). Lesion deferral based on FFR is a very safe strategy, even for lesions located in the proximal anterior descending artery. Randomized controlled studies FAME and DEFER convincingly showed the safety of lesion revascularization...

AHA 2019 | ISCHEMIA-CKD: insuficiencia renal crónica y enfermedad coronaria estable

AHA 2019 | ISCHEMIA-CKD: Chronic Kidney Disease and Stable Coronary Disease

Among patients in the main ISCHEMIA trial, those with chronic kidney disease are a particularly high-risk subgroup. However, an invasive strategy with coronary angiography and revascularization did not improve the rate of events, similarly to what happened in the general population for the aforementioned trial. The rate of death or acute myocardial infarction was 36.4%...

Nuevas estrategias en el territorio femoropoplíteo

Should We Start Using the Retrograte Access in Critical Limb Ischemia?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Peripheral vascular disease in lower limbs is on the rise. Antegrade recanalization is associated with amputation and death, and therefore contraindicated. For a while we have been using the retrograde access when classic revascularization is not possible. Even though there is evidence in favor of this access, it is just...
