
Ecuador Regional Sessions 2020: See the Presentations

The 40th Regional Sessions held in Ecuador in 2020 was a successful scientific event that counted with the participation of reputed Latin American interventionists. We want to express our gratitude to all participants, attendees and representatives of the industry who contributed to the highest quality of this event.  Next, we share some of the presentations...

marcapasos tavi

Tricuspid valve: Is Percutaneous Intervention Feasible in Patients with Definite Pacemaker?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. As we know, with higher life expectancy comes a significant increase in the use of definite pacemakers, defibrillators and resynchronization devices. Along these lines, the presence of catheters is associated to tricuspid regurgitation, which over time might become severe, leading to cardiac regurgitation and potentially heart failure.  This group is...

Predilatación en TAVI ¿Datos definitivos para no complicarse tomando decisiones?

Predilation in TAVR: Definitive Data for Easier Decision-Making?

Direct implantation (without predilation) resulted non-inferior vs. the conventional strategy with prior balloon aortic valvuloplasty using the S3 prosthesis (even though this did not translate into a simplified procedure). In a few patients, the prosthesis was not able to cross the native valve, which resulted in device retrieval and subsequent valvuloplasty. According to these data,...

ACC 2020 Virtual | POPULAR TAVI: ¿anticoagulación sin clopidogrel post TAVI?

Virtual ACC 2020 | POPULAR TAVR: Post TAVR Anticoagulation without Clopidogrel?

In patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) that also required anticoagulation for another indication (mostly atrial fibrillation), the incidence of major bleeding between month 1 and 12 was lower in those receiving only anticoagulation instead of anticoagulation + clopidogrel.  The present study presented as part of the scientific sessions at the virtual ACC 2020,...

ACC Virtual 2020 | A diferencia del TAVI, el volumen de cirugías mitrales no mejora la reparación por catéter

Virtual ACC 2020 | Unlike in TAVR, the Number of Mitral Valve Surgeries Does Not Improve the Outcomes of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repairs

Soon, our website will feature an interesting study showing that sites with a higher number of conventional surgical aortic valve replacements had better outcomes in transcatheter aortic valve replacement procedures. The study featured in this article was scheduled for presentation at the American College of Cardiology 2020 Scientific Session along the World Congress of Cardiology....

Virtual ACC 2020 | Conscious Sedation in TAVR

According to the TVT Registry, patients who undergo transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) with conscious sedation have better outcomes, including lower mortality rates. A minimalist strategy always (sooner or later) proves to be superior across our whole range of procedures, from a simple diagnostic study with local anesthesia and a 4-Fr transradial access, to a...

Anillo pequeño, ¿debemos comenzar a elegir la válvula?

TAVR in Extremely Large Annuli: Different Patients Might Need Different Prostheses

Nearly all prostheses for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) commercially available at present are adequate for most patients. However, there are certain subgroups, relatively small, that could benefit from a particular one. Yesterday we went over the best suited for small annuli, which turned out to be the self-expandable in general and the Evolut PRO...

tavi calcificación del anillo mitral

TAVR in Small Annuli: Is There a Better Valve?

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement with the self-expandable valves has shown optimal clinical and electrocardiographic results in patients with small annuli. These supra-annular prosthetic valves seem somewhat better than the intra-annular balloon expandable.  TAVR in general has better functional results in terms of patient/prosthesis mismatch. This seems especially true for patients with a small annulus.  The...

ARTE: ¿AsEl fin de la aspirina para los pacientes anticoagulados que reciben angioplastiapirina o aspirina más clopidogrel post TAVI?

Alternatives for Patients Allergic to Aspirin

Intolerance to aspirin is relatively frequent and there is no other non-steroid anti-inflammatory medication to replace it. The new guidelines of chronic coronary syndromes make class IIb recommendations to use prasugrel or ticagrelor in aspirin-intolerant patients. This is not meant to replace dual antiaggregation therapy in aspirin intolerant patients, when needed; it is just a...

Trombosis y riesgo de sangrado

Onyx ONE: More Options for Patients at High Risk for Bleeding

Since November 2015, when the LEADERS FREE was published in NEJM, polymer-free drug coated stents had undoubtedly been the best treatment for patients at high risk of bleeding. The benefit was owed to the safety and efficacy of the polymer-free biolimus coated stent (also called umirolimus) vs. bare metal stents in the context of just...
