Regional Course of Interventionism for the Clinical Cardiologist | with SOLACIs Support

On November 30, 2019, the I Regional Course of Interventionism for the Clinical Cardiologist will take place in Chiclayo, Peru. The event will be held in the Muchick Room at Costa del Sol Hotel, organized by the Peruvian Society of Hemodynamics and Endovascular Interventionism (SOPHIE) with the support of SOLACI. The activity will be oriented to<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/11/13/regional-course-of-interventionism-for-the-clinical-cardiologist-with-solacis-support/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Endocarditis infecciosa post TAVI

Infective Endocarditis After TAVI

Infective endocarditis after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is one of the most feared complications due to its morbidity and mortality. With the expansion of TAVI into all risk groups, endocarditis might be a long-term concern. However, its long-term risk seems similar to that of endocarditis with surgically-implanted biological valves; consequently, it should not affect<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/11/08/infective-endocarditis-after-tavi/" title="Read more" >...</a>

The Most Read Scientific Articles in Interventional Cardiology of October

The Most Read Scientific Articles of October in Interventional Cardiology

1- Incidence and Prognosis of Heart Valve Embolization The incidence of peri-procedural transcatheter heart valve embolization and migration (TVEM) is as low as 1%. However, it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Read more HERE 2- 1000 MitraClips: Results from the Worlds Most Experienced Site In September 2008, interventional physicians at the Heart and<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/11/07/the-most-read-scientific-articles-of-october-in-interventional-cardiology/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Mismatch protésico en válvulas supra anulares y en válvulas intra anulares

Prosthesis Mismatch in Supra and Intra Annular valves

The self-expandable valve was associated to lower prosthesis-patient mismatch (PPM) compared against the balloon expandable valve regardless annular area, according to this study soon to be published in J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. This difference was basically driven by patients with larger body surface area (&gt;1.83m²). Prosthesis mismatch has been associated to increased mortality after transcatheter<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/10/30/prosthesis-mismatch-in-supra-and-intra-annular-valves/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Impacto del FFR post stent ¿dato útil o solo una curiosidad?

Discordance Between FFR and iFR. Which Measurement Is More Important?

In the next days, Dr. Seung Hun and colleagues will publish in J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2019 a study that answers the title question and also brings peace of mind about the decisions we make based on one of these measurements or the other. This study assessed the physiologic characteristics of discordant lesions between<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/10/29/discordance-between-ffr-and-ifr-which-measurement-is-more-important/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Las ondas venosas pulmonares en el MitraClip tienen valor pronóstico

1000 MitraClips: Results from the Worlds Most Experienced Site

In September 2008, interventional physicians at the Heart and Vascular Centre Hamburg conducted the first MitraClip implantation after its Conformité Européenne (CE)-marking approval. In July 2019, the same site reached an amazing milestone, 1000 MitraClips implanted, and in doing so it became the most experienced site in the world. Those 1000 patients treated had an average logistic<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/10/28/1000-mitraclips-results-from-the-worlds-most-experienced-site/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Trombólisis local en tromboembolismo pulmonar

Incidence and Prognosis of Heart Valve Embolization

The incidence of peri-procedural transcatheter heart valve embolization and migration (TVEM) is as low as 1%. However, it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Peri-procedural TVEM is one of the most feared complication given its potential to transform the procedure into a catastrophe, but little do we know about its incidence (except for a<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/10/24/incidence-and-prognosis-of-heart-valve-embolization/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Lo Más Leído de Septiembre en Solaci.org

The Most Read Scientific Articles in September at Solaci.org

1- ESC 2019 | New European Guidelines on Chronic Coronary Syndromes In Paris, during the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2019 Scientific Sessions, new guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic coronary syndromes were presented. This document, simultaneously published in Euro Heart J, updates the 2013 guidelines on stable ischemic heart disease and<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/10/21/the-most-read-scientific-articles-in-september-at-solaci-org/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Jornadas Panamá | Concurso de Jóvenes Cardiólogos

See the 2019 Panama Sessions presentations

The&nbsp;XXXIX Regional SOLACI&nbsp;Sessions in Panama were an extremely successful scientific event. Renowned specialists in hemodynamics from all over Latin America presented their works and shared their knowledge in an event characterized by the utmost respect and comradeship. That is the reason why we share below those presentations, thanking these professionals for their contribution to our<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/10/21/see-the-2019-panama-sessions-presentations/" title="Read more" >...</a>

¿Fin de la discusión sobre el impacto del marcapaso post TAVI?

MIDAS Strategy: Minimizing Implantat Depth According to Membranous Septum

Permanent pacemaker implantation following transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) continues to be one of the most frequent complications. Even though its real impact on prognosis continues to be controversial, its impact on healthcare cost is out of the question, in addition to being uncomfortable for patients.  This study, soon to be published in J Am<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2019/10/18/midas-strategy-minimizing-implantat-depth-according-to-membranous-septum/" title="Read more" >...</a>
