Tag Archives: The Most Read Scientific Articles

The most read scientific articles in interventional cardiology in February on our website

The most read scientific articles in interventional cardiology in February on our website

Below, we share February’s most read scientific abstracts in interventional cardiology at solaci.org. Can Drug Coated Balloon Be a Valid Option for Small Vessels? One of the challenges of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) are <2.5 mm vessels, since complications and restenosis complications rate are higher than with >3.0 mm vessels.   Is Using Drug-Eluting Balloons and


The Most Read Scientific Articles of February

01- Alternatives for Patients Allergic to Aspirin The new guidelines of chronic coronary syndromes make class IIb recommendations to use prasugrel or ticagrelor in aspirin-intolerant patients. This is not meant to replace dual antiaggregation therapy in aspirin intolerant patients, when needed; it is just a recommendation to use monotherapy with the most potent antiaggregant we
