Tag Archives: vulnerable Plaques

Claudicación Intermitente: ¿el tratamiento invasivo es superior al tratamiento farmacológico?

Quantitative Angiography that Estimates Shear Stress and Predicts Events

Quantitative Angiography that Estimates Shear Stress and Predicts Events

Shear stress has been incorporated to our jargon to identify this turbulent flow in certain places of the arterial tree (curves, bifurcations, etc.) that make these sectors more prone to plaque buildup.   Seeing we often use the original term, no Spanish translation has been coined; we all refer to this phenomenon as shear stress and

AHA 2019 | COMPLETE: la revascularización completa es superior por tratar otras placas vulnerables

AHA 2019 | COMPLETE: Complete Revascularization Is Superior since It Treats Other Vulnerable Plaque

This COMPLETE sub-study using optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed the prevalence of vulnerable lesions other than the culprit which should provide a physiopathological explanation of the benefit of complete revascularization observed in the original study.  STEMI patients with multivessel disease will benefit from complete revascularization in terms of reduced cardiovascular death and repeat MI according
