TCT 2018 | TriValve: Mitraclip for the Tricuspid Valve

The TriValve is a multicenter, international and retrospective study of multiple devices for percutaneous intervention to treat cardiac failure. This is a sub-analysis of patients receiving the most conventional of these devices: the MitraClip.

TCT 2018 | TriValve: Mitraclip para la válvula tricúspideThe main points assessed by this study were all cause mortality, unplanned hospitalizations, functional class, the presence of peripheral edema, and tricuspid regurgitation grade.


It included 249 patients, mean age was 77±9, and most (73.8%) presented atrial fibrillation.


Mean number of clips used was 2±1 with antero-septal localization in 65.1%, postero-septal 20.9% and other 14%. Reduction of tricuspid regurgitation ≥1 in 89.2% and more than half had concomitant mitral regurgitation treatment.

Read also: TCT 2018 | SOLVE-TAVI: Self-Expandable vs. Balloon-Expandable Valves and General vs. Local Anesthesia in One Study.

77% of patients were discharged with tricuspid regurgitation grade 1 or 2, which confirmed procedural success.


Peripheral edema was reduced from 84% to 26% at follow up.


Upon procedural failure, patients were followed up for mortality and rehospitalization rates.


Original title: TriValve: Evaluation of Edge-to-Edge Valve Repair for Symptomatic Tricuspid Regurgitation.

Presenter: Jörg Hausleiter.


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One Comment;

  1. Alicia Vaitiekunas said:

    My mother in law, lives in BsAs Argentina, Drs wont perform Mitral Clip.on Florida Boca Raton my friend had it done at 84 and its working’great! Any chance your organization will be able to perform a Mitralclip procexure on her with no medical insurance? We’ll like to try to save her life …but we are under Medicare here, she has PAMI, same type ins but from Argentina.
    Please let us know, she is 86 yrs old and we are not sure if an 8 hr flight will be possible in her situation..Also if you know any institution that performs procedure in BsAs using Pami as Med Ins. Thanks!

