Structural Heart Disease articles

ESC 2021 | ENVISAGE-TAVI AF: sorpresas con el endoxaban en TAVI y fibrilación auricular

ESC 2021 | ENVISAGE-TAVI AF: Surprise with Endoxaban in TAVR and Atrial Fibrillation

ESC 2021 | ENVISAGE-TAVI AF: Surprise with Endoxaban in TAVR and Atrial Fibrillation

The enthusiasm for direct oral anticoagulants after transcatheter aortic valve replacements (TAVR) is waning. At least, when it combines with atrial fibrillation. The ENVISAGE-TAVI AF has shown excessive bleeding with endoxaban vs. the classical vitamin K antagonists. Endoxaban resulted non-inferior to vitamin K antagonists in terms of net clinical adverse events, but major bleeding events

ESC 2021 | Novedades de las nuevas guías de valvulopatías de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología

ESC 2021 | Updated European Society of Cardiology Guidelines for the Management of Valvular Heart Disease

Early intervention in asymptomatic valvular heart disease, age recommendations to decide between TAVR and surgery for aortic stenosis, and a push in favor of transcatheter repair in secondary mitral regurgitation are some of the new modifications to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines for the Management of Valvular Heart Disease.  This new document was
