insuficiência cardíaca

ACC 2020 Virtual | Vericiguat: una nueva esperanza en insuficiencia cardíaca crónica

Virtual ACC 2020 | Vericiguat: New Hope in Chronic Cardiac Failure

Treatment with the new drug called Vericiguat (acting on guanosine monophosphate receptors GMP) might reduce cardiovascular mortality or hospitalizations due to heart failure in a high-risk population with reduced ejection fraction.  The VICTORIA trial (Vericiguat Global Study in Subjects with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction) was presented virtually at the ACC 2020 scientific sessions...

Highlights TCT 2019

TCT 2019 | COAPT Cost Effectiveness: Better Quality of Life and Survival Rate, but Worth It?

Courtesy of SBHCI. The COAPT showed transcatheter repair of the mitral valve using the MitraClip resulted in reduced mortality and hospitalization for cardiac failure and improved quality of life, compared against optimal medical treatment in patients with cardiac failure and moderate to severe functional mitral regurgitation. The cost-effectiveness of this procedure has not been analyzed...

Highlights TCT 2019

TCT 2019 | COAPT at 3 Years: MitraClip Reached Functional Mitral Regurgitation Target

Courtesy of SBHCI. Prognosis of patients with cardiac failure who develop secondary mitral regurgitation due to dilation is uncertain.   The COAPT study was carried out in 78 centers across the US and Canada and included patients with moderate to severe mitral regurgitation (3 or 4 crossovers) symptomatic despite optimal medical treatment (OMT).  614 patients were...

La reparación de la válvula mitral con Mitraclip es segura en pacientes de alto riesgo

Mitral Valve Repair in Patients with Cardiac Failure

The mitral valve is a complex apparatus dependent on left atrium and left ventricle functionality. Dilation of these cavities might affect mitral annulus morphology and lead to valve dysfunction, generating mitral regurgitation (MR). This type of MR has been called functional, since leaflets and tendinous chordae do not present lesions themselves; instead, they malfunction ‘secondary’...
