coronary stenosis

ACC 2020 Virtual | Más datos del ISCHEMIA: mujeres con más síntomas pero con menos isquemia

Virtual ACC 2020 | More data from ISCHEMIA: Women with More Symptoms but Less Ischemia

The ISCHEMIA trial will keep shedding light. The latest data show important differences between men and women as regards disease severity and its correlation with symptoms. Women have more angina than men but have less extensive ischemia.&nbsp; These findings were presented virtually at the ACC 2020, cancelled by COVID19, and suggest that, in addition to<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

ACC 2020 Virtual | Placas “peligrosas” por tomografía efectivamente predicen infartos

Virtual ACC 2020 | Dangerous Plaques by CT Effectively Predict Infarction

This post-hoc analysis of the SCOT-HEART shows low-attenuation plaque burden might successfully predict events. A greater number of low-attenuation plaques seems to be synonymous with greater risk which makes them better predictors than clinical scores, coronary calcification and stenosis degree.&nbsp; IVUS, CT and carotid ultrasound are the accepted tools to diagnose plaque burden and predict<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Diabetes y enfermedad vascular periférica: viejas drogas con nueva evidencia

Reliability of FFR in Patients with Diabetes: Are Other Parameters Necessary?

Diabetes does not seem to alter the results of a fractional flow reserve (FFR) measurement in a given lesion. Recently, expert opinions and small studies had questioned the reliability of FFR in this specific patient subgroup. This new observational study soon to be published in JAMA vanquishes all doubts and confirms the efficacy of this<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

¿Es seguro utilizar iFR para diferir lesiones del tronco de la coronaria izquierda?

Soon after the EXCEL Scandal the NOBLE 5-year Outcomes Come Out: Mere Coincidence?

There is no such thing as coincidence, at least not for the evidence-based medical science. This is what the NOBLE 5-year outcomes, soon to be published in the Lancet, seem to say, in line with the BBC exposé of the EXCEL study. The NOBLE study randomized patients with left main disease to compare PCI vs<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Pretratamiento con estatinas para prevenir eventos peri angioplastia carotidea

Secondary Prevention: A Responsibility We Should Not Delegate

After coronary angioplasty, the use of drugs whose efficacy for the reduction of major events has been proven declines over time, which is associated with worse patient prognosis. Sometimes, without meaning to, we convey to patients the idea that, once the stent has been implanted, the artery is cured or that the only potential future<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

¿Qué usar para medir funcionalmente una lesión coronaria en el contexto de estenosis aórtica severa?

Percutaneous Annuloplasty in Functional Mitral Regurgitation vs. Sham Procedure

In cases where it is difficult to demonstrate the improvement of a drug or a device in hard endpoints such as mortality, we should look for softer and easier to prove endpoints. The problem is that these soft endpoints are often subjective (such as sensation of shortness of breath or angina pectoris) and they could<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>


The Most Read Articles of November at

1- AHA 2019 | ISCHEMIA: The Invasive Approach (PCI or Surgery) Results Similar to Optimal Medical Treatment After a several year follow up, the International Study of Comparative Health Effectiveness with Medical and Invasive Approaches (ISCHEMIA) has shown that an invasive approach in addition to optimal medical treatment (OMT) does not offer benefits when it<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Debemos tener en cuenta a la isquemia crítica de MM II en el TAVI

Pre-TAVR Revascularization: Angiographic or Physiological?

In patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), fractional flow reserve (FFR) guided revascularization is associated with favorable results compared against the traditional angiography guided revascularization.&nbsp; Given the complete lack of randomized studies, this observational study is the best we have to decide how to guide revascularization in patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis undergoing<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

AHA 2019 | COMPLETE: la revascularización completa es superior por tratar otras placas vulnerables

AHA 2019 | COMPLETE: Complete Revascularization Is Superior since It Treats Other Vulnerable Plaque

This COMPLETE sub-study using optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed the prevalence of vulnerable lesions other than the culprit which should provide a physiopathological explanation of the benefit of complete revascularization observed in the original study.&nbsp; STEMI patients with multivessel disease will benefit from complete revascularization in terms of reduced cardiovascular death and repeat MI according<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

AHA 2019 | Sapien vs Evolut: A Head-to-Head Study Seems Mandatory

Two French registries have carried out a propensity matched comparison which suggest differences between balloon-expandable valves (BEV) and self-expandable valves (SEV) in hard end points such as mortality.&nbsp; The only FDA approved commercially available transcatheter heart valves in the US are the BE Sapien 3 (Edwards Lifesciences) and the SE CoreValve Evolut PRO (Medtronic). Both<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>
