left atrial appendage closure

Disnea y oclusiones totales crónicas: un síntoma que podemos aliviar (o al menos intentarlo)

Contemporary Outcomes of CTO PCI in Europe: The ERCTO Registry

Roughly 20% or coronary angiographies show some form of chronic total occlusion (CTO), and this figure is twice as high for diabetic patients or those with cardiac failure and reduced ejection fraction (EF). CTO percutaneous intervention (PCI) has experienced a significant growth thanks to the development of new techniques and dedicated material. However, a considerable<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2024/02/08/contemporary-outcomes-of-cto-pci-in-europe-the-ercto-registry/" title="Read more" >...</a>

TCT 2023 | ALIGN AR trial

TCT 2023 | EVOLUT Low Risk: 4-Year Follow-up

In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the use of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) in younger patients, with an average age of 74 years, as observed in US medical records. This trend goes alongside encouraging durability results, as demonstrated in the 10-year NOTION study, where structural valve degeneration (SVD) with first-generation<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2023/10/27/tct-2023-evolut-low-risk-4-year-follow-up/" title="Read more" >...</a>

TCT 2023 | ALIGN AR trial

TCT 2023 | The WATCH-TAVR Study

In the TVT registry, around 40% of the patients eligible for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) had atrial fibrillation, and there were high levels of adverse events after starting anticoagulant treatment, especially with oral anticoagulants (VKAs), primarily due to bleeding. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of combined<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2023/10/27/tct-2023-the-watch-tavr-study/" title="Read more" >...</a>

The most important articles of 2022 in structural heart disease

The Most Important Articles of 2022 in Structural Heart Disease

Discover the most read scientific articles on interventional cardiology of 2022 in our website. We Should Treat Significant Stable CAD in Patients Undergoing TAVR Aortic stenosis is associated to significant coronary artery disease (CAD) in nearly 50% of cases. When we decide to treat aortic disease using surgery, it has been established we should also treat<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2023/01/12/the-most-important-articles-of-2022-in-structural-heart-disease/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Resultados alentadores de los balones cubiertos de Biolimus para el tratamiento de vasos pequeños

Drug Coated Balloons in Femoropopliteal Territory: Predictors of Failed Patency

Endovascular treatment in femoropopliteal territory has become the strategy of choice over time, with diverse devices; among others, drug coated balloons (DCB). DBS are meant to provide the antiproliferation effect of drugs while reducing exposure of a specific artery segment to a strange body.&nbsp;&nbsp; Even though the number of studies on DCB effectiveness has been<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2022/11/04/drug-coated-balloons-in-femoropopliteal-territory-predictors-of-failed-patency/" title="Read more" >...</a>

Post-dilatación de válvulas autoexpandibles

Balloon expandable vs Self-Expanding Valves: The Best Option for ViV-TAVR in Small Annuli

TAVR has consolidated as an increasingly valid alternative to treat failed surgical aortic valve bioprostheses. &nbsp; One of the major challenges it presents is patients with small annuli treated with a surgical bioprosthesis.&nbsp; There is little data available about this scenario. A few observational studies have shown what appears to be a hemodynamic advantage of<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2022/08/23/balloon-expandable-vs-self-expanding-valves-the-best-option-for-viv-tavr-in-small-annuli/" title="Read more" >...</a>


Surgical Bioprosthesis Deterioration: Is the Valve-in-Valve Technique a Good Option?

The use of surgical bioprostheses has significantly increased, and while they last 15 years or more, in cases where they fail (usually due to stenosis), the decision-making process is challenging. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a good alternative for this situation, although information on the subject matter is still scarce. Currently, the only available<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2022/08/18/surgical-bioprosthesis-deterioration-is-the-valve-in-valve-technique-a-good-option/" title="Read more" >...</a>

12 Proeducar Fellows Course

The 12th Edition of ProEducar-SOLACI Fellows Course Was Held

Amidst the 27th annual meeting of the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology and the annual meeting of the Mexican Society of Interventional Cardiology, the 12th edition of our course for fellow interventionists ProEducar was held.&nbsp; The course directed by Dr. Leandro Lasave (ARG) and codirected by Drs. Gabriel Maluenda (CHL), Guering Eid Lidt<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2022/08/08/the-12th-edition-of-proeducar-solaci-fellows-course-was-held/" title="Read more" >...</a>

ELUVIA: DES en territorio femoropoplíteo con lesiones complejas

Two Safe Stents at Two Years in High Bleeding Risk

There is a consistent number of patients presenting high risk of bleeding. In this context, receiving dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) for 12 months would not be advisable. Even though the European and American guidelines recommend 1 to 6 months for chronic and acute syndromes in this group, these are often complex PCI cases, which makes<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2022/07/04/two-safe-stents-at-two-years-in-high-bleeding-risk/" title="Read more" >...</a>

perforación coronaria en angioplastia

Coronary Bifurcation Lesions: MRS or PCI? 10-Year Mortality of the SYNTAX Study

Percutaneous treatment of coronary lesions affecting bifurcations has increased in recent decades. Coronary angioplasty (percutaneous coronary intervention, PCI) in these cases is associated with an increased rate of adverse events in patients with multivessel disease and left main coronary artery lesions. The SYNTAX score, which is a predictor of total mortality, is used to evaluate<a href="https://solaci.org/en/2022/07/01/coronary-bifurcation-lesions-mrs-or-pci-10-year-mortality-of-the-syntax-study/" title="Read more" >...</a>
