Jornadas México 2021

Mexico Sessions 2021

The XLIV SOLACI Mexico Sessions 2021 were held on December 9, 2021 within the framework of the SOCIME 2021 Congress. The activity consisted of a module for doctors and another for technicians and nurses in hemodynamics and also had the participation of leading specialists from the entire region. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Take part in this extraordinary...

AHA 2021 | CRAVE: Seguridad del café para los trastornos del ritmo

AHA 2021 | CRAVE: Coffee Safety in Rhythm Disorders

On the one side, caffeine can increase arrythmias or interfere with sleeping, but on the other hand, it helps people feel more energetic and do more physical activity.  These data contribute to the evidence supporting the fact that people who present, or are at risk of presenting supra ventricular arrythmias or atrial fibrillation might not...

AHA 2021 | AVATAR: Early Intervention in Asymptomatic Aortic Stenosis

Early surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in patients with severe asymptomatic aortic stenosis can be beneficial in selected patients vs. waiting for symptoms.  Severe AS in patients with no symptoms and conserved ventricular function raises few questions, clinically speaking. However, there is little evidence in favor of early intervention vs. close observation.  The best data...

Experiencia de la cirugía

TAVR vs Sutureless Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Low-Risk Patients

Sutureless surgical aortic valve replacement (SU-SAVR) has been designed to make surgical valve replacement easier and faster, especially compared against conventional biological valves which require multiple sutures; their rapid deployment translates into reduced cross-clamp and operative time. These valves shorten operating time and are less invasive than conventional surgical valves.  Except for sternotomy incisions, they...

Manejo de los aneurismas de aorta abdominal en 2021

Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in 2021

Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are those of >3 cm aortic diameter.  They run the risk of rupture and ensuing death by bleeding. In consequence, they are treated to repair the aneurysm before it ruptures.  In this regard, the most relevant predictor of rupture is aneurysm diameter. That is, the greater the aneurysm, the greater the...

TCT 2021 | FAVOR III: FFR derivado de la angiografía. Una herramienta que ahorra eventos

TCT 2021 | FAVOR III: Angiography-Derived FFR: An Event-Prevention Tool

Compared with visual estimation of lesions, using quantitative angiography-derived fractional flow reserve (quantitative flow ration, QFR) provides better clinical outcomes at one year for angioplasty. These results emerge from the Chinese FAVOR III study, presented at the 2021 TCT scientific sessions and simultaneously published in The Lancet. The simplicity and safety offered by QRF—since there is...

Fibrilación auricular y demencia ¿Qué anticoagulante tiene el menor riesgo?

Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia: Which Anticoagulant Agent Presents the Lowest Risk?

Atrial fibrillation is a risk factor for dementia and anticoagulant agents have been proven to decrease it. This work aims to find differences in the risk of dementia between patients treated with traditional choice warfarin vs. different direct anticoagulants. Between 2014 and 2017, this study enrolled 72,846 patients >40 years with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation who...

Nueva y discrepante información sobre los vasos no culpables en el infarto

First Guidelines Focused Specifically on Chest Pain Management

Many years of developing and waiting have led us to the latest guidelines published by ACC/AHA together with other societies. This is the first document exclusively dedicated to the assessment and diagnosis of acute chest pain. In this regard, we can safely say this is no mere update of a previous set of guidelines, but...

Chile Sessions 2021 | Clinical Case Contest for Young Interventionists

The contest ended. The authors of the selected cases for live presentation have been contacted by email Call for Case Submission XLIII SOLACI Regional Sessions – 14th Southern Cone. Nov 27, 2021 – Chile Sessions. It is with great pleasure that we hereby invite all young Latin American cardiologists to submit relevant clinical cases related...

cirugia de revascularizacion miocardica

More Screening Needed Before Non-Cardiac Surgery

According to this recent document by the American Heart Association (AHA), troponin should be monitored for at least 3 days after surgery. With about 20% of patients (most of them, asymptomatic) showing elevated troponin after a non-cardiac surgery, this new AHA document recommends monitoring, for at least two days, patients with moderate to severe ischemia. Myocardial...
