AHA 2020 | POLYPILL: Una sola pastilla más aspirina para tratar todo

AHA 2020 | POLYPILL: One Pill Plus Aspirin to Treat Everything

Using only one compressed tablet or pill with a fixed combination of statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta-blockers, and diuretics significantly lowered cardiovascular risk in a large population without previous events (primary prevention). However, it presented an intermediate risk of cardiovascular disease onset. The TIPS-3 (The International Polycap Study 3) study had a 2-by-2-by-2 factorial design,...

Dieta proinflamatoria y su potencial para desencadenar eventos cardiovasculares

Pro-Inflammatory Diet and Its Potential to Trigger Cardiovascular Events

As interventional cardiologists, we cannot delegate the responsibility of providing adequate advice on healthy habits. More importantly, we cannot be ignorant about them. Our medical intervention does not end with the final angiography; this is actually the beginning, since cardiovascular disease is chronic.  This paper assessed the important role played by inflammation on cardiovascular disease...

Stress mental, activación de la corteza frontal y angina de pecho

Mental Stress, Frontal Lobe Activation and Chest Pain

Historically, we have believed that mental stress might induce chest pain as a response to increased levels of catecholamines and consequently increased product (by 100%), just as it happens with physical stress.  This innovative study published in Circ Cardiovasc Imaging shows the activation of specific areas in the brain is independently associated with chest pain...

Riesgo de isquemia colónica luego de la reparación de aneurisma de aorta abdominal

Can We Lower the Cutoff Threshold in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms?

A new diagnostic tool might change the classical abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) cutoff thresholds of 5.5 and 5 cm for men and women, respectively. The new ultrasound speckle tracking technology can study AAA wall motion in real time and has the potential to become the new standard for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.  This study looked...

Webinar SOLACI - Tópicos Selectos en Hemodinamia III

Watch again Selected Topics in Hemodynamics III

Watch again “Selected Topics in Hemodynamics III” on our YouTube account. The event was held on 11/07/2020 by SOLACI’s Technicians and Nurses area and had more than 300 spectators. What things will I learn if I watch this video? 03:43 – Code of stroke “mechanical thrombectomy” – Ernesto Chavarria Mathieu (Costa Rica). 21:24 – Aspects...

Nueva generación de stents farmacológicos

Dual Layered for Dual Protection in Carotid PCI

At present, there is more than one dual layered stent in the market offering additional protection in carotid PCI. Therefore we saw fit to look at these devices to compare class benefits and find any specific differences.  This study assessed the safety and efficacy of two dual layered mesh covered stents especially designed for carotid...

Historia natural de la infección asintomática por COVID-19

Natural History of Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection

Information on the natural history of asymptomatic infection with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) remains scarce. We are just beginning to understand what happens with patients with severe disease. The outbreak of COVID-19 on the cruise ship Diamond Princess provided a unique opportunity to study contacts and patients with asymptomatic infection within a closed population. This...

Infarto agudo de miocardio y lesiones de múltiples niveles

Asymptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis, When Should We Intervene?

Data from recent observational randomized studies suggest that most patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis will eventually receive an indication for valve replacement.   Mortality in this “asymptomatic” population is caused not only by sudden death, but also by cardiac death. Early intervention may prevent these deaths as a consequence of aortic stenosis symptoms. Researchers...
