Tag Archives: arrhythmia

Monitoreo Post Angioplastia

Routine Continuous Monitoring After Angioplasty Might Not Be Necessary

Routine Continuous Monitoring After Angioplasty Might Not Be Necessary

According to a recent study published in Circ. Cardiovasc Interv, after a scheduled angioplasty, the rate of arrhythmia requiring some kind of treatment is very low, low enough to deem unnecessary the routine monitoring of all patients. The standard policy at many institutions is continuous cardiac monitoring for several hours after undergoing coronary angioplasty, with

¿El alcohol es bueno, malo o neutro para la salud cardiovascular?

Alcohol and Atrial Fibrillation: More Reasons for Moderate Consumption

Reducing alcohol consumption should be included in the “package” of secondary prevention recommendations, not only for its impact on arteries, but also because it reduces atrial fibrillation (AF). Alcohol abstinence might improve arrhythmia symptoms and reduce the chances of recurrence in patients who have already had an episode of AF. Regular alcohol consumers who were
