File articles

dispositivo de cierre manta en acceso femoral

MANTA Closure Device for large-bore arteriotomy closure: Is It Safe?

MANTA Closure Device for large-bore arteriotomy closure: Is It Safe?

 Courtesy of Dr. Agustín Vecchia.  The number of transcatheter aortic valve replacements (TAVR) and the placement of aortic endoprosthesis and ventricular assist devices, among others, have grown exponentially worldwide in the last few years. In a short time, many of these procedures will surely become the new standard of care. Logically, this growth comes hand in hand

Revascularización en lesiones de tronco de coronaria izquierda

Left Main Target Lesion Revascularization: When is it Necessary?

Courtesy of Dr. Agustín Vecchia. Incidence, predictors and impact of target lesion revascularization (TLR) on unprotected left main stenosis initially treated with second generation DES have not yet been clearly defined and this is the main goal of the present study.   This is a multicenter observational retrospective study of patients with unprotected left main

anuloplastia mitral percutánea

Percutaneous Mitral Annuloplasty: First Results in Humans

 Courtesy of Dr. Agustín Vecchia.  In the last few years, new percutaneous treatment options for mitral regurgitation have emerged. Transcatheter mitral annuloplasty with various devices is a relatively simple procedure that could compress the origin of circumflex artery branches due to the different orientation of mitral corners and the coronary sinus.   The following work by Park

acceso_radial_acceso femoral

Interventionists Used to the Radial Approach No Longer Associated with Worse Femoral

The transradial approach is being increasingly adopted as preferred access site, since it is more comfortable for patients, reduces vascular and bleeding complications, is cost effective and reduces mortality in high risk patients. This has created concern about the fact that operators and institutions could become unfamiliar with the transfemoral approach.   The aim of

IVUS en las lesiones coronarias complejas

Why We Should Use IVUS in Complex Coronary Lesions

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Drug eluting stents (DES) have shown benefits in terms of restenosis vs. conventional bare metal stents (BMS). Many of the advantages of DES depend on correct implantation, especially in complex lesions.   In complex lesions, the use of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) provides important information on lesion length, vessel diameter, calcification

indices de fragilidad en tavi

TAVI Frailty Indices: We Should Start Using Them

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Frailty should be taken into account when deciding transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Even though several scales of frailty are available, they are yet to be tested in this group, with this strategy.   The study analyzed 101 patients, frailty was assessed clinically according to the following tests: Katz index

enfermedad carotídea y coronaria severa

Best Revascularization Strategy for Severe Carotid and Coronary Artery Disease

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Carotid artery disease is an important cause of stroke and is associated to coronary artery disease. When patients need myocardial revascularization surgery (Carotid Artery Bypass Graft) and cannot wait one month or more for carotid revascularization, the optimal management strategy is still controversial.   The aim of this study was

revascularizacion incompleta en cirugia no cardiaca

Incomplete Revascularization: Increased Events Rate in Non-Cardiac Surgery?

The aim of this study was to determine whether incomplete revascularization is associated to higher adverse events risk and acute myocardial infarction in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.   Coronary artery disease patients or patients with prior PCI often have non cardiac surgery. These patients may have had all obstructions treated before surgery (complete revascularization) or

reducir costos de angioplastia

Is it possible to reduce PCI costs without compromising safety?

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Health system costs have increased significantly and there have been attempts to reduce it without compromising the quality of PCI outcomes. The benefits of the transradial approach combined with same day discharge could help reach this goal.   This study included 279,987 MEDICARE PCI procedures where costs were analyzed. Cases

Zotarolimus con polímero permanente vs. biolimus con polímero degradable

Zotarolimus with Durable Polymer vs. Biolimus with Biodegradable Polymer

The present work compared the safety and efficacy of the permanent polymer zotarolimus eluting stent vs. the biodegradable polymer biolimus eluting stent in unselected coronary artery disease patients.   The biodegradable polymer biolimus eluting stent resulted superior to the first generation durable polymer stent in long term randomized studies.  However, little evidence supports this superiority
