Institutional News articles

2° Encuentro Educativo ProEducar - Implante de Válvula Aórtica

2° Educational Meetings ProEducar-SOLACI | Aortic Valve Implantation. Step by Step. Complications

2° Educational Meetings ProEducar-SOLACI | Aortic Valve Implantation. Step by Step. Complications

We are interested in your opinion. Please, leave your comments, thoughts, questions, etc., below. They will be most welcome.

Revascularización del SCACEST | Tiempos y Modos de Revascularización en Época de COVID 19

Webinar SOLACI | NSTE-ACS Revascularization: Times and Methods in the COVID-19 Era

Watch again our Webinar on “NSTE-ACS Revascularization: Times and Methods in the COVID-19 Era” on our Youtube account.     We are interested in your opinion. Please, leave your comments, thoughts, questions, etc., below. They will be most welcome.

Webinar SOLACI Peripheral | Carotid Percutaneous Interventiones Where Are we?

SOLACI PERIPHERAL | Watch again Carotid Percutaneous Interventions, Where are we? on our Youtube Account

Watch again our Webinar on “Carotid Percutaneous Interventions, Where are we?” on our Youtube account. The event was conducted and organised by the authorities of SOLACI Peripheral, a new Department of SOLACI.  We thank the support of Cordis for this event and to all the prestigious panelists that participated in it.   We are interested

Educational Meeting ProEducar-SOLACI: Learning with Experts

We continue to generate free access to education for fellow interventionists! In July, SOLACI´s education program (ProEducar) starts another free round of virtual educational meetings aimed at making knowledge and practical tools accessible to all fellow interventionists in Latin America. How? Through web seminars via zoom to be held every 15 days between July 16
