
Net Clinical Benefit of Long-Term Ticagrelor

Ticagrelor reduces ischemic risk in patients with a history of acute myocardial infarction, but it increases the risk of bleeding. Keeping a delicate balance is paramount when prescribing long-term ticagrelor to patients with a history of infarction. The PEGASUS-TIMI 54 study randomized 21,162 patients with a history of infarction on a 1:1:1 ratio: some received ticagrelor...

McMaster University

Advanced Coronary Imaging Fellowship – McMaster University

We are sharing this invitation to participate in this 1-year training program at McMaster University / Canada. The program aims to develope the following competences Intravascular imaging interpretation. Performance of image-guided complex PCI. Participation in imaging core lab research projects. Applicants should have completed an Interventional Cardiology Fellowship and be independent operators Those who want...

Incidencia, características y tratamiento de la trombosis valvular post TAVI

Data that Can Change TAVR and SAVR Strategy

In many relatively young patients with severe aortic stenosis, we rule out the idea of a mechanical valve, opting for a surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) with a bioprosthesis; we bet once the surgical bioprosthesis deteriorates, we will be able to solve it with transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) of the failed surgical valve: TAV-in-SAV. ...

Predilatación en TAVI ¿Datos definitivos para no complicarse tomando decisiones?

Predilation in TAVR and Myocardial Injury

Performing balloon predilation or valvuloplasty before a transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) may increase the incidence and magnitude of myocardial injury with new-generation balloon-expandable valves. Some papers argue in favor or against direct implantation, others remain neutral, but this research is the first one to express a different point of view. Historically, the biggest fear...

The Most Read Articles in Interventional Cardiology during February

01- Efficacy of AstraZeneca’s Vaccine against COVID-19 This study, published in the Lancet, looks into the vaccine resulting from the collaboration of the Oxford University and AstraZeneca, among others. Read more HERE 02- Findings on Sputnik V Vaccine Against COVID-19 The Sputnik V vaccine was developed by Gamaleya NRCEM. Similarly to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, it is based on a viral vector,...

tavi estenosis aortica severa

Diastolic Dysfunction and TAVR: Prognosis before and after Procedure

The PARTNER 2 SAPIEN 3 showed baseline diastolic dysfunction is a predictor of clinical events after 2 years of TAVR. As expected, improved diastolic function after procedure immediately changes prognosis.  Though these outcomes did meet our expectations, very few studies have shown hard evidence linking diastolic dysfunction and aortic stenosis.  All patients included in the...

Saltearse el desayuno y riesgo cardiovascular

Regression of High-Risk Plaque with Lifestyle Changes

Diet and lifestyle intervention in addition to optimal medical therapy can slow down plaque building and even reduce plaque volume compared against optimal medical treatment (OTM) alone. Diet and lifestyle intervention are amongst the most important strategies to manage coronary artery disease. However, its direct impact on atherosclerosis remains unclear.  Atherosclerosis plaque building is associated...

¿El alcohol es bueno, malo o neutro para la salud cardiovascular?

Might Alcohol Consumption Reduce Stroke?

A J shaped curve illustrating the link between alcohol consumption and ischemic stroke has been reported, suggesting that a certain amount of alcohol would be beneficial compared against absolute abstinence and excessive consumption.  In order to shed some light on this matter, this study looked at alcohol consumption patterns and their effect on stroke in...

Es posible esterilizar las máscaras N95 y los barbijos quirúrgicos

Findings on Sputnik V Vaccine Against COVID-19

The Sputnik V vaccine was developed by Gamaleya NRCEM. Similarly to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, it is based on a viral vector, and its findings were published in Lancet. The Russian vaccine comprises two different adenoviruses in the first and the second dose, making it more effective and generating an extended immune response. Both vectors carry...

Registro LATAMBif | Reporte Enero 2021

LATAMBif Registry: January 2021 Report

The Latin American Registry of Percutaneous Coronary Bifurcations continues to develop at a steady pace. The aim of this prospective multicenter registry is to assess the reality of percutaneous coronary bifurcation to define its needs and establish effective strategies to perfect the daily clinical practice.  Bellow you will find data from January 2021, which includes...
