
ESC 2020 | New European Guidelines on Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: What’s New?

The new European guidelines on NON-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE ACS) were presented virtually during the European Society of Cardiology 2020 Congress (ESC 2020) and published in Eur Heart J. This document includes news regarding a more agile infarction diagnosis, the use of non-invasive imaging, the simplification of anticoagulant therapy, infarction with normal coronary arteries,...

Otro “escándalo” en la medicina basada en la evidencia ¿El monitoreo ambulatorio de presión puesto en duda?

Do We Need to See a Cardiologist before a Carotid Endarterectomy?

Cardiac complications are among the most frequent in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic lesions.  This excess of cardiac events in patients with no neurological symptoms of carotid stenosis is essential to balance the risk/benefit ratio of carotid endarterectomy.  A routine cardiology consultation prior surgery could reduce perioperative infarction rate, general complications and even mortality. ...

ESC 2020 | More Evidence on Colchicine for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

According to this new study, colchicine offers some benefit to patients with chronic ischemic heart disease. Similar to COLCOT, this is the second large randomized study with results confirming the inflammatory hypothesis. Colchicine taken at a daily dose of 0.5 mg reduces cardiovascular events in patients with stable coronary disease, according to data from the LoDoCo2...

ESC 2020 | Dapagliflozin in Kidney Failure: The Drug Continues to Conquer Other Territories

The DAPA-CKD trial has shown dapagliflozin, a SGLT2 receptor inhibitor, improves function, and reduces cardiovascular events and mortality. The latter is true regardless being or not diabetic. Patients with chronic kidney failure randomized to dapagliflozin saw improved kidney function, reduced cardiovascular events and increased survival rate.  Primary end point, a combination of glomerular filtration deterioration...

ESC 2020 | At Long Term, Diabetic Patients Benefit from Surgery

Data of this “real world” study have confirmed that diabetic patients with multivessel disease will benefit from coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).  According to Dr. Douglas S. Lee, main author of this study, the evidence is fairly conclusive, enough to recommend CABG as first option in this particular subgroup of patients similar to FREEDOM patients. ...

ESC 2020 | Trimetazidina post angioplastia: sin efectos adversos pero sin grandes beneficios

ESC 2020 | Post PCI Trimetazidine: No Adverse Events or Great Benefits

Trimetazidine in addition to optimal medical therapy in patients undergoing coronary PCI does not change events rate at long term.  The ATPCI study was presented at ESC 2020 and simultaneously published in the Lancet. This study randomized coronary PCI patients with stable or acute NSTEMI coronary syndromes to trimetazidine vs. placebo.   What is the rationale...

Can Aspirin Use Be Interrupted After Angioplasty?

Aspirin discontinuation 1 to 3 months after angioplasty with continued P2Y12 inhibitor therapy reduces the bleeding risk without an increase in thrombotic events. This is also the case for patients admitted with acute coronary syndrome. Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and a P2Y12 inhibitor has been shown to reduce the risk of major events compared with...

La era del stent provisional para las bifurcaciones parece llegar a su fin

Is the Paradigm for Bifurcation Lesions Changing Once More?

Four years ago, we published a summary of the SMART-STRATEGY Study saying that, with bifurcation lesions, “less is more.” Last month, the DEFINITION Study published in the European Heart Journal suggested that things were about to change. Today, the DK-crush technique seems to have rendered both title and article obsolete. According to this recent analysis...

Historia natural de la infección asintomática por COVID-19

LATAM: Information on the Impact of the Pandemic with a Focus on MI

There are several studies from all corners of the world (China, Europe, USA) presenting data on the impact of COVID19 on interventional cardiology in general, and on MI in particular. What is new about this study is that it presents data on LATAM and that it has been published in an international magazine.  Seldom do...
