Tag Archives: Betablockers

Beta Bloqueantes

Post MI Betablockers for Good?

Post MI Betablockers for Good?

Patients receiving optimal medical treatment after MI do not seem to benefit from betablockers in the long term, provided they do not present cardiac failure or systolic function deterioration.  This study looked into the cardio protection effect of betablockers (BB) after long term follow up in stable patients with no cardiac failure and a history

Can We Discontinue Betablockers after AMI?

Betablockers (BB) were the first drugs shown to effectively reduce events after acute MI. However, reperfusion and other secondary prevention drugs that came along after that have cast a shadow on betablockers’ original benefit. This study looked at betablocker discontinuation after acute MI in patients with no cardiac failure optimally treated with all recommended medication.
