Tag Archives: Cusp Overlapping

Sobrevida en pacientes con insuficiencia tricuspídea según variables clínicas y ecocardiográficas (Clusters)

High Implantation of Self-Expanding Valves in the Aortic Position or Cusp Overlapping: Should It Be the New “Gold Standard”?

High Implantation of Self-Expanding Valves in the Aortic Position or Cusp Overlapping: Should It Be the New “Gold Standard”?

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has been proving its benefit in different scenarios for two decades now. However, in the field of self-expanding valves, one challenge has always been its high rate of pacemaker implantation compared with balloon-expandable devices and valvular replacement surgery. For this reason, the high implantation or Cusp Overlapping strategy was developed.
