Tag Archives: transcatheter aortic valve replacement

Webinar Jornadas SOLACI | Nuevas Fronteras en el TAVI: Insuficiencia aórtica y nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al intervencionismo

Virtual Sessions | New Frontiers in TAVR: Aortic Insufficiency and New Technologies Applied to Interventionism

Virtual Sessions | New Frontiers in TAVR: Aortic Insufficiency and New Technologies Applied to Interventionism

Watch again our virtual event on “New Frontiers in TAVR: Aortic Insufficiency and New Technologies Applied to Interventionism”. 


European Consensus on Antithrombotic Management in TAVR

All the controlled randomized evidence recently published called for an updated document on antithrombotic management in transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). While thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications have diminished over time—as both the technique and the devices have been perfected—, they still remain as common adverse events in TAVR.  Recommendations in the 2017 European Guidelines were

Síndrome de Hiperperfusión cerebral post-angioplastia carotídea: una complicación prevenible

Silent Embolism during TAVR: Just Images or Potential Cognitive Deterioration?

Finding new cerebral ischemic imaging after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is almost the rule, especially for self-expandable valves. These images might disappear over the months but, unfortunately, they are associated to small but significative cognitive deterioration.  Most patients undergoing TAVR develop silent cerebral ischemic lesions (SCILs) that show in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The

infarto peri-procedimiento

Post TAVR Acute Coronary Syndrome: Frequency and Potential Damage

After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are rare and mostly present as non-ST elevation events. In this context, the few ST elevation events have bad prognosis, with close to 30% mortality at 30 days.  This study included patients undergoing TAVR between 2012 and 2017 admitted for acute coronary syndrome during followup. 

SOLACI/SIAC Latin American Clinical Guidelines on TAVR vs. SAVR Published

The Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology is proud to announce that the Latin American Clinical Guidelines on TAVR vs. SAVR on patients with severe aortic stenosis have been published. This high-quality scientific work was published in the Heart BMJ Journal and is the result of an arduous joint effort between SOLACI (through its Research

Official Presentation of SOLACI / SIAC Latin American Clinical TAVR Guidelines

The Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology (SOLACI) and the Inter-American Society of Cardiology (SIAC) have jointly developed their Clinical Guidelines on Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) to be presented this week at the Virtual SIAC Congress.  The creation of these guidelines is the result of an important joint effort between SOLACI and SIAC during
