left main

AHA 2021 | Meta-análisis de cirugía vs angioplastia para el tronco de la coronaria izquierda

AHA 2021 | Meta-Analysis of Surgery vs. Angioplasty in Left Main Coronary Artery Disease

According to this new meta-analysis (presented at AHA 2021 and published in The Lancet), mortality is similar between surgery and angioplasty to treat left main coronary artery in patients with simple or intermediate anatomy. This new study estimates that, after 5 years, mortality with surgery would be 11.2% vs. 10.2% with angioplasty, a non-significant difference. This debate...

IVUS vs OCT para guiar la angioplastia ¿Cuál elegir?

IVUS vs iFR for Left Main Decision Making

No decision on the coronary tree has more impact than left main intervention. This makes interventionists prone to over and underestimation of angiographic imaging. In other words, in real life we never report on angiograms showing moderate left main lesions.   This reality should be looked into, since operating or intervening moderate left main lesions on...


EuroPCR 2021 | EBC MAIN: Provisional Stenting vs. Systematic Dual Stenting in Left Main Coronary Artery

Treating the left main coronary artery with provisional stenting was non-inferior to systematic dual stenting in the EBC MAIN trial, presented at EuroPCR 2021 and simultaneously published in the European Heart Journal. The composite primary endpoint of death, infarction, and target-lesion revascularization was 14.7% for provisional stenting vs. 17.7% for systematic dual stenting (hazard ratio:...

Webinar SOLACI 03-03 | Angioplastia de Tronco de Coronaria Izquierda y Bifurcaciones: Registro LATAM Bif

Watch again our Webinar on Left Main PCI and Bifurcations: LATAM Bif Registry

Watch again our Webinar on “Left Main PCI and Bifurcations: LATAM Bif Registry” on our Youtube account. The event was held on March 3rd, 2021, and had the participation of almost 700 people and the support of ABBOTT, Boston Scientific, Medtronic and Terumo. Webinar Contents 00:02​​ | Introduction – Dr. José Mangione (BRA). 04:58​ |...

Webinar SOLACI 03-03 | Angioplastia de Tronco de Coronaria Izquierda y Bifurcaciones: Registro LATAM Bif

03/03 | SOLACI Webinar – Left Main PCI and Bifurcations: LATAM Bif Registry

We invite you to participate in the first free SOLACI virtual event of 2021. It is carried out with the support of Abbott, Boston Scientific, Medtronic and Terumo Interventional Systems and will have the participation of prestigious hemodynamicists from Latin America and the world. The title of the event is: “Left Main PCI and Bifurcations:...

angioplastia primaria estrategia farmacoinvasiva

Ideal Area for Unprotected Left Main PCI

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava.  Unprotected left main PCI (PCI-UPLMS) is an acceptable and comparable strategy vs CABG, although the use of IVUS is advisable, since it has shown better evolution and mortality. However, the adequate stent expansion remains unclear.  Researchers carried out a sub-analyzis of the NOBLE trial. Of the total 603 patients receiving...

¿Es seguro utilizar iFR para diferir lesiones del tronco de la coronaria izquierda?

Is the Use of iFR for the Deferral of Left Main Coronary Artery Lesions Safe?

Deferral of left main coronary artery lesions using instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) seems to be safe. At the least, patients with deferred lesions had similar long-term prognosis to that of patients who underwent revascularization based on that same indicator. Left main coronary artery lesions were universally excluded from studies including medical treatment among the therapeutic...
