
The Most Read Articles in Interventional Cardiology during February

01- Efficacy of AstraZeneca’s Vaccine against COVID-19 This study, published in the Lancet, looks into the vaccine resulting from the collaboration of the Oxford University and AstraZeneca, among others. Read more HERE 02- Findings on Sputnik V Vaccine Against COVID-19 The Sputnik V vaccine was developed by Gamaleya NRCEM. Similarly to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, it is based on a viral vector,...

DES con polímero bioabsorbible vs Bare Metal Stents en angioplastia primaria

Last Bastion of Bare Metal Stents Finally Falls

Multiple studies have shown the safety and efficacy of drug eluting stents (DES) in patients with high risk of bleeding. Only one last bastion of bare metal stents (BMS) was left standing: vein grafts.  With controversial evidence and different physiopathology, many still argued against DES in saphenous vein grafts.  This multicenter study randomized patients with...

La meseta por la que transcurre la cirugía desde hace varios años

FREEDOM with FFR: Different Outcomes?

The FREEDOM has clearly established the benefit of myocardial revascularization surgery (CABG) over percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in diabetic patients with multivessel disease. Coronary physiology as guideline for revascularization works best precisely in this kind of patients and its impact has never been studied in diabetics.  This study, published in Circ Cardiovasc Interv, assessed the...

The Most Read Articles of January in Interventional Cardiology

01- New Valvular Heart Disease Guidelines with Key TAVI and Mitral Regurgitation Updates Valvular heart disease management guidelines were updated last week by the AHA and the ACC.  Read more HERE 02- High Risk Anatomy Challenges ISCHEMIA Outcomes According to this recent analysis published in JAHA, patients with stable Ischemic heart disease and high-risk anatomy benefit from revascularization...


ISCHEMIA: New Analysis Might Change Study Outcome Interpretation

A new ISCHEMIA analysis has shown its outcomes are highly dependent on MI definition. The original conclusion had shown a significant difference between invasive and conservative strategies using the most sensible definition of MI: troponin elevation.  When looking at events using MI definition as troponin elevation, we will see the conservative treatment reduces primary end...

Subutilización del tratamiento médico en enfermedad vascular periférica

Optimal Medical Treatment Under-used in Vascular Peripheral Disease

Less than half of patients undergoing endovascular revascularization for peripheral artery disease to their lower limbs are discharged with optimal medical treatment.  Their traditional risk factors are predictors of a more comprehensive treatment; however, women, patients with higher risk of thrombosis, and those more likely to lose a lower limb, are far from being treated...

Más stents suman evidencia al esquema corto y nos acercamos al “efecto de clase”

More Evidence for Short Term DAPT: Approaching “the Class Effect”

Patients at high risk of bleeding undergoing coronary angioplasty with Orsiro stent can be considered for a short dual antiplatelet scheme.  These data come from the SMART-CHOICE study recently published in JAHA, adding the Orsiro stent to the list of devices supporting 3-month DAPT.  This study included 2993 patients undergoing coronary angioplasty randomized to 3...

High Risk Anatomy Challenges ISCHEMIA Outcomes

According to this recent analysis published in JAHA, patients with stable Ischemic heart disease and high-risk anatomy benefit from revascularization at long term vs. the conservative treatment.  This goes against the study presented by Reynolds H et al at AHA 2020. Dr. Reynold’s was a sub-study of the ISCHEMIA trial which had observed that even...

The most relevant articles in pharmacology in 2020

In this selection, we summarize for you the most important scientific news of 2020 in the field of pharmacology. 01- Virtual ACC 2020 | Colchicine After Infarction: Good Results and Cost-Effectiveness Low doses of colchicine reduce the risk of ischemic events after an acute myocardial infarction, according to the COLCOT trial, originally presented at the...
