
El estudio SOURCE 3 confirma los buenos resultados de la válvula SAPIEN 3 a un año de seguimiento

Sapien 3 Performs Well in Jobs for Which It Is Not Designed

Using Sapien&nbsp;3, transcatheter mitral valve replacement to treat failed bioprosthetic valves can be performed with a high degree of technical success. Failed mitral bioprosthetic valves are truly challenging due to how frequent symptoms are and the high morbidity/mortality associated with a new surgical replacement. Furthermore, there are no catheter options specifically designed to treat this<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Es posible esterilizar las máscaras N95 y los barbijos quirúrgicos

Convalescent Plasma for Severe Pneumonia from COVID-19

After testing multiple drugs and drug combinations in COVID-19 patients, only Remdesivir for hospitalized patients and dexamethasone in patients requiring Oxygen have shown some benefits.&nbsp; Convalescent plasma has been used for years assuming passive immunization might help control the infection until a specific immune response is established in the infected person.<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

El acceso radial se asocia a menor mortalidad y menor sangrado en los pacientes cursando un infarto con supradesnivel del segmento ST que reciben angioplastia primaria.

The Transradial Approach Continues to Be the Best for Primary PCI

The transradial approach has been associated to lower mortality and bleeding rates in patients receiving primary PCI for ST elevation MI.&nbsp; This had been called into question by the recent SAFARI-STEMI, but after including its outcomes in a new meta-analysis, the scales tilted slightly in favor of the transradial approach vs. the transfemoral.&nbsp; The transradial<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

AHA 2020 | Anticoagulación post TAVI en pacientes con fibrilación auricular

AHA 2020 | Post-TAVR Anticoagulation in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

Direct anticoagulant agents were associated with lower long-term mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation discharged after successful transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) compared with classic vitamin&nbsp;K inhibitors. Optimal anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) undergoing TAVR is unclear. We are actually just starting to know what the ideal antiplatelet therapy is for patients undergoing<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

10° Encuentro Educativo ProEducar - Intervención Estructural II

Watch again the the 10th ProEducar Educational Meeting- Structural Intervention II

Watch again the &#8220;10th ProEducar Educational Meeting &#8211; Learning with Experts&#8221; on Structural Intervention on our Youtube account. The event was held on 11/19/2020 by the ProEducar area and was attended by more than 200 people. What things will I learn if I watch this video? 05:21 | Valve-in-Valve: Aortic Valve: Implant technique. Educational case.<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

AHA 2020 | Ácidos grasos omega 3 sin beneficio cardiovascular y con más fibrilación auricular

AHA 2020 | Omega-3 Fatty Acids Provide No Cardiovascular Benefits and Cause More Atrial Fibrillation

Results confirm the interim analysis, whereby the study was suspended for futility. Omega-3 fatty acids do not reduce cardiovascular events in patients with high triglycerides and low HDL. Previous studies, such as REDUCE-IT, had shown positive results, but given this new research (presented at the American Heart Association [AHA] 2020 Congress and simultaneously published in<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

AHA 2020 | EMPATROPISM: Empagliflozina en no diabéticos con insuficiencia cardíaca

AHA 2020 | EMPATROPISM: Empagliflozin in Non-Diabetics with Cardiac Failure

Empagliflozin improves cardiac function, exercise capacity and quality of life in non-diabetic patients with cardiac failure and deteriorated ejection fraction.&nbsp; These findings were presented during the scientific sessions at AHA 2020 and published simultaneously in JACC. EMPATROPISM outcomes are on the same line as other studies using sodium glucose 2 cotransporter inhibitors (SGLT2) which showed<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

AHA 2020 | Aumenta el alta precoz en el TAVI con un costo esperado

AHA 2020 | Rise in Early Discharge After TAVR Has the Expected Cost

As hospitalization time after a transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is reduced, we are observing a concomitant increase in re-hospitalizations due to conduction disorders. Early discharge is a great step, but it should be noted that conduction disorders can happen beyond 48 hours. A few years ago, pacemaker implantation rates after discharge were about 7%;<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

The Most Read Scientific Articles in Interventional Cardiology

01- How To De-Escalate Prasugrel After Acute Coronary Syndrome? Patients who undergo coronary angioplasty after acute coronary syndrome could de-escalate dual antiplatelet therapy with prasugrel to maintain the protection against ischemic events while lowering their hemorrhagic risk. Read more HERE 02- Not All Coronary Spasms Are the Same: Benefits of Acetylcholine Patients with documented spasm<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Infarto agudo de miocardio y lesiones de múltiples niveles

Asymptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis, When Should We Intervene?

Data from recent observational randomized studies suggest that most patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis will eventually receive an indication for valve replacement. &nbsp; Mortality in this asymptomatic population is caused not only by sudden death, but also by cardiac death. Early intervention may prevent these deaths as a consequence of aortic stenosis symptoms. Researchers<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>
