Tag Archives: cardiac insufficiency

ESC 2021 | Empagliflozina en insuficiencia cardíaca con función deteriorada y preservada

ESC 2021 | Empagliflozin in Heart Failure with Reduced and Preserved Ejection Fraction

ESC 2021 | Empagliflozin in Heart Failure with Reduced and Preserved Ejection Fraction

The full results of the EMPEROR-Preserved study confirm as findings that empagliflozin decreases the risk of death or hospitalization for heart failure (HF) in both patients with reduced and with preserved function. The primary endpoint (a composite of death and hospitalization for HF) was reduced by 21% on a relative basis with sodium/glucose cotransporter 2

Resultados alentadores en la válvula mitral percutánea en los pacientes complejos

Improvements in COAPT Trial for Functional Mitral Regurgitation

Patients with heart failure and moderate-to-severe secondary mitral regurgitation may benefit from transcatheter mitral valve repair. There are benefits at 3 years, even in hard points such as mortality rate. The COAPT (Cardiovascular Outcomes Assessment of the MitraClip Percutaneous Therapy for Heart Failure Patients with Functional Mitral Regurgitation) trial showed fewer heart failure hospitalizations and

ESC 2020 | Nuevo inhibidor SGLT2 con impacto en la mortalidad por insuficiencia cardíaca

ESC 2020 | New SGLT2 Inhibitor Impacts Heart Failure Mortality

Empagliflozin is the second drug from the SGLT2 receptor inhibitor family to show a significant benefit in patients with heart failure, even in those without diabetes. Adding empagliflozin to optimal medical therapy lowers the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction. Such events include heart failure hospitalization, worsening kidney

¿Qué usar para medir funcionalmente una lesión coronaria en el contexto de estenosis aórtica severa?

Percutaneous Annuloplasty in Functional Mitral Regurgitation vs. Sham Procedure

In cases where it is difficult to demonstrate the improvement of a drug or a device in hard endpoints such as mortality, we should look for softer and easier to prove endpoints. The problem is that these soft endpoints are often subjective (such as sensation of shortness of breath or angina pectoris) and they could

AHA 2019 | DAPA-HF: la dapagliflozina efectiva en todos los subgrupos con insuficiencia cardíaca

AHA 2019 | DAPA-HF: Dapagliflozin Effective for all Heart Failure Subgroups

SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin had a consistent impact regardless of glycemic level, age, or general health status. Dapagliflozin was originally developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, it has had a positive impact on various types of patients with chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction, including those without diabetes. This information is derived from

EuroPCR 2019 | COAPT: la reducción de la insuficiencia mitral está asociada a menos hospitalizaciones y muerte

EuroPCR 2019 | COAPT: Mitral Valve Reduction is Associated to Lower Hospitalization and Death

This new analysis shows the mechanism behind the benefit of using MitraClip and the necessary degree of residual mitral regurgitation (MR) to have an impact. Regardless the intervention type, patients with cardiac failure and secondary mitral regurgitation present lower hospitalization for cardiac failure, all-cause mortality and improved quality of life the lower the MR. MitraClip

Double Kissing Crush vs. Provisional Stenting

Nonobstructive Coronary Lesions and Ventricular Dysfunction

Many patients arrive to the cath lab for a diagnostic coronary angiography after an echo showing severe ventricular dysfunction, even in asymptomatic patients. In many occasions, their coronary arteries are normal, and in many others, we find coronary disease that is not enough to warrant such severe ventricular dysfunction. Patients with heart failure are frequently

ACC 2018 | Flu Vaccination Reduces Mortality in Heart Failure Hospitalizations

Heart failure patients vaccinated against influenza are at a significantly lower risk of dying, both during flu season and outside of it. Patients with heart failure vaccinated had a 48% lower risk of death during influenza season and a 21% lower risk during the rest of the year. Dr. Fukuta, lead investigator in this study,

Comienza a surgir evidencia positiva para la “válvula olvidada”

New Light on the ‘Forsaken Valve’

Tricuspid regurgitation is frequent and mostly secondary to right ventricle and tricuspid annulus dilation. Tricuspid regurgitation has been associated to mortality increase, even though historically the importance of this valve has been disregarded compared to the other three. Tricuspid surgical repair has seen good results, but it is mostly done in the context of another valve repair. Isolated
