File articles

Cómo evitar el Patient Prosthesis Mismatch en el TAVI

How to Avoid Patient Prosthesis Mismatch in TAVR

How to Avoid Patient Prosthesis Mismatch in TAVR

How to Avoid Patient Prosthesis Mismatch in TAVR. Presenters: Dr. Joel Estrada Gallegos, México. Dr. Gutierrez Jaikel, Costa Rica. Dr. Juan Gaspar, Uruguay. This video, sponsored and funded by Medtronic, was filmed during SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress, at Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel (in Argentina). Do you want to take a look at all other SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress Medtronic cases? Watch

Impacto clínico de la regurgitación paravalvular post TAVI

Clinical Impact of Paravalvular Regurgitation After TAVR

Clinical Impact of Paravalvular Regurgitation After TAVR. Presenters: -Fernando Cura (Argentina).  -Gabriel Maluenda (Chile). This video, sponsored and funded by Medtronic, was filmed during SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress, at Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel (in Argentina). Do you want to take a look at all other SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress Medtronic cases? Watch them  We are interested in your opinion. Please, leave

Intervenciones percutáneas post-TAVI

Percutaneous Interventions After TAVR.

Percutaneous Interventions After TAVR. Presenters: -Dr. Matías Stejfman. -Dr. Gabriel Maluenda. This video, sponsored and funded by Medtronic, was filmed during SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress, at Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel (in Argentina). Do you want to take a look at all other SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress Medtronic cases? Watch them  We are interested in your opinion. Please, leave your comments, thoughts,

Tavi como procedimiento minimalista

TAVR as a Minimalist Procedure

TAVR as a Minimalist Procedure. Presenters: Dr. Paulo Caramori, Brasil.  Dr. Luis Gutierrez Jaikel. This video, sponsored and funded by Medtronic, was filmed during SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress, at Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel (in Argentina). Do you want to take a look at all other SOLACI-CACI 2017 Congress Medtronic cases? Watch them  We are interested in your opinion.

El desarrollo de las nuevas válvulas disminuye la necesidad de marcapaso

Development of New Valves Lowers Need for Pacemaker

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. While the benefits of TAVR are well-known, the need for a permanent pacemaker after implantation is still an issue to solve, even though new valves have reduced it. This study enrolled 175 patients who underwent TAVR with an ACURATE neo TF valve. In this population, 58% of patients were women and the

Calidad de vida entre cirugía y angioplastia para tratar la enfermedad del tronco

Quality of Life Between Surgery and Angioplasty for the Treatment of Left Main Disease

In recent years, angioplasty with drug-eluting stents (DES) has emerged as an alternative to myocardial revascularization surgery in patients with left main coronary artery disease. Both European and American guidelines offer a Class IIa recommendation for left main coronary artery (LMCA) angioplasty in selected patients. The EXCEL (Evaluation of Xience Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for

Disección coronaria en mujeres: poco frecuente y de difícil manejo

Coronary Artery Dissection in Women: Rare and Difficult to Manage

Courtesy of  Dr. Carlos Fava. Spontaneous Coronary artery dissection (SCAD) was first described in 1931 and, even though its prevalence according to different studies is roughly between 0.07% and 1.1%, it is more frequent in women and is associated to acute coronary syndrome and sudden death. The study looked at 752,352 women presenting acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

Radioprotection: 6 essential articles to keep you updated

1) On Radiation Protection: Editorial comment by Dr. Ariel Durán I am pleased to witness the increased amount of scientific papers in high impact journals addressing topics related to radiation protection or the harmful effects of radiation on our patients and primary or secondary operators. Similarly, it is my pleasure to see that SOLACI has

On Radiation Protection: Editorial comment by Dr. Ariel Durán

Courtesy of Dr. Ariel Durán. I am pleased to witness the increased amount of scientific papers in high impact journals addressing topics related to radiation protection or the harmful effects of radiation on our patients and primary or secondary operators. Similarly, it is my pleasure to see that SOLACI has acknowledged this growing concern by

Ventajas de la sedación consciente en el TAVI

The Perks of Conscious Sedation in TAVR

The main advantage of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has always been its less invasive nature, compared against surgery. Many of the advances in this technique revolve around making it even less invasive, increasing the gap between the two. The kind of anesthesia has been one of these many advances. There are several reports (in general from
