myocardial revascularization surgery

The 10 Most Read Articles of January

1- These Were the Most Relevant Article of 2018 in the Field of Coronary Diseases Read the best articles on coronary heart disease from 2018 at solaci website. Read more    2- The 10 Commandments of ESC’s New STEMI Guidelines The authors have given an entertaining account of the most relevant points and differences between...

Lo más leído en Enfermedades Vasculares Periféricas

The Most Relevant Articles of 2018 in Peripheral Vascular Disease

1- What’s New in the European Guidelines on Peripheral Arterial Disease Since the last version of the European guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral arterial disease in 2011, there have been many trials and registries that warrant guideline adjustments in many aspects. The first novelty is the teamwork that gave way to these...


Outcomes of Contemporary DES in Patients with Diabetes: Do They Render Freedom Obsolete?

Despite our high hopes for new-generation drug-eluting stents (DES), patients with diabetes still have a different prognosis, both clinical and angiographic, compared with non-diabetic patients. Authors sought to investigate the impact of diabetes on patients who underwent drug-eluting stent implantation in the BIONICS (BioNIR Ridaforolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System in Coronary Stenosis) trial.   This...

Los Mejores Artículos de 2018 en Cardiopatía Estructural

The Most Important Articles of 2018 in Structural Heart Diseases

1- ESC 2018 | MITRA FR: Testing MitraClip for Secondary Mitral Regurgitation In secondary mitral regurgitation, mitral-valve leaflets and chordae are structurally normal and mitral regurgitation results from alterations in left ventricular geometry and function. Read more    2- TCT 2018 | COAPT: MitraClip in Patients with Secondary Mitral Regurgitation The prognosis of patients with...

Lo más importante del año en enfermedades coronarias

These Were the Most Relevant Article of 2018 in the Field of Coronary Diseases

1- The CULPRIT-SHOCK Study Is Finally Published in NEJM and It Is Bound to Change Guidelines During SOLACI’s coverage of the TCT 2017 Congress in Denver, Colorado, we already mentioned some of the outcomes of this study that has arrived to revolutionize clinical practice, given the differences between its results and those of the classic...

ACC 2018 | Risk of MI in Non-Cardiac Surgeries

One in five patients presenting perioperative MI during non-cardiac surgery should be readmitted within 30 days after surgery, and one in seven dies within the same period, according to the new study presented at ACC 2018 scientific sessions and simultaneously published in Circulation. These infarctions could be considered a iatrogenic complication, given the obvious lack of proper...

¿Se justifica utilizar filtro de protección distal en los puentes venosos?

It is justified to use distal protection filter in venous bridges?

The current guidelines point out a class I recommendation to the use of distal embolic protection devices for angioplasty in venous bridges, in fact, the evidence is controversial to support this recommendation. The goal of this meta-analysis was to compare mortality from any cause, major cardiovascular events, acute myocardial infarction, and target vessel revascularization of...

EXCEL-QOL Substudy: similar calidad de vida con cirugía y angioplastia para el tronco

EXCEL-QOL Substudy: Similar Quality of Life both with CABG and Left Main PCI

Courtesy of SBHCI. According to a new quality of life sub-study, the “EXCEL”, both coronary artery bypass graft and left main PCI are associated with significant clinical improvement in terms of angina frequency, tolerance to exertion and treatment satisfaction. At 12 and 36 months, there were no significant differences between PCI and surgery after several quality of...

El Impella otorga seguridad en la ATC del TCI no protegido de alto riesgo

Impella Improves Safety in High Risk Unprotected Left Main PCI

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. The incidence of unprotected left main severe stenosis ranges between 4 and 8%, and it’s mostly associated with multivessel disease. The use of left ventricular support devices in high risk unprotected left main PCI is on the rise, but not much information available in this regard. Read also: “Prior assistance...
