
SOLACI-CACI 2021 Virtual

SOLACI-CACI 2021 | Complex Pulmonary Hypertension and Aortic Endovascular Aneurysm Session

✔️ Watch again the Session on “Complex Pulmonary Hypertension and Aortic Endovascular Aneurysm” in the SOLACI-CACI 2021 Congress. 👨‍🏫 Program: SESSION I: Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension 02:48 – Definition, epidemiology, diagnostic algorithm and pharmacological treatment. – Pedro Trujillo 16:27 – Invasive Endovascular Strategies in Chronic PTE: Pulmonary Angioplasty – Fabio Solano 30:13 – Surgical Thromboendarterectomy....

tavi funcion cognitiva

Asymptomatic Carotid Lesions and Cognitive Impairment: Does Intervention Play a Role?

This study was designed to determine the effect of carotid endarterectomy/angioplasty on early (baseline vs. 3 months) and late (baseline vs. >5 months) cognitive function in patients with asymptomatic lesions. This systematic research included 31 non-randomized studies. Regarding the immediate post-operative period, 24 of these papers reported significant improvement in cognitive function; one study reported significant deterioration;...

La endarterectomía precoz parece superior a la angioplastia carotidea en pacientes sintomáticos

Contralateral Occluded Carotid Defines Revascularization Strategy

A significative lesion to the carotid artery in addition to contralateral carotid occlusion is an obvious factor of high risk for a revascularization procedure. However, this might be true for surgery but not for carotid artery stenting according to this recent publication in JACC. The presence of contralateral carotid occlusion has been established as high...

THEMIS: eventos isquémicos y hemorrágicos en difícil equilibrio para el ticagrelor crónico

Ticagrelor to Improve Venous Graft Patency

Saphenous vein graft patency is one of CABG’s “Achilles heals”, especially after the ARTS trial came out showing bilateral internal mammary artery grafting was not superior to simple internal mammary artery grafting.  Antiaggregation more potent than aspirin might prolong venous graft patency in cases when the available techniques will fail to improve poor outcomes.    Previous...

Una nueva molécula para evitar la nefropatía por contraste

Same Contrast Dose, Different Risk of Kidney Injury, Depending on Procedure

The risk of contrast induced kidney injury is significantly lower in patients receiving transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) compared against patients getting a coronary angiography or angioplasty.  This is true even for valvular heart disease patients with higher risk profiles.  Differences in contrast-induced acute kidney injury between TAVR or coronary patients had not been previously...

SOLACI Peripheral | Clinical Case Discussion

SOLACI’s Department of Peripheral Endovascular Interventions is promoting the analysis of challenging clinical cases on peripheral interventions so as to foster the participation and engagement of all SOLACI members. In this first issue, we present a clinical case around carotid artery stenting. Read thoroughly the case below and take part in an unrestricted discussion through...

Carotídeas asintomáticas ¿Tenemos todas las respuestas?

Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis: Do We Have All the Answers?

Advancements in therapies to reduce the impact of stroke in asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis have been hard to come by over the last decade. Several points of disagreement among published randomized trials prevented their information from being integrated into daily clinical practice. However, over the past 5 years, there has been some alignment, allowing for this...

Seguridad de los balones con paclitaxel en enfermedad vascular periférica

Consensus on How to Conduct Follow-Up in Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peripheral vascular disease involves multiple areas and, therefore, can have very different presentations (from complete lack of symptoms to disabling symptoms). Depending on clinical presentation, general condition, anatomical localization, and lesion extension, revascularization can be indicated alongside optimal medical treatment. In 2017, guidelines with indications for revascularization were published; however, maintaining long-term patency can be...

Mejorando los resultados luego de la revascularización de miembros inferiores

Improved Outcomes after Lower Limb Revascularization

Operator ability combined with improved and diverse devices for lower limb revascularization has clearly increased in the last decade. However, is this technical feasibility we did not use to have translating into better clinical outcomes for patients, or is it simply inflating our interventionist egos? This study aims at answering the question above by identifying...
