
ACC 2019 | TAVI en bicúspides es seguro y factible en pacientes seleccionados del mundo real

ACC 2019 | TAVR in Bicuspids is Safe and Feasible in Real World Patients

Experts still wont agree on whether to carry out randomized trial to put an end to this discussion, but it seems clear that balloon expandable TAVR is valid only for certain anatomies.   TAVR in real world bicuspid valve populations is associated with similar outcomes at 30 days and one year when compared against cohorts<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Cirugía para mejorar la sobrevida en insuficiencia tricuspidea aislada

More Evidence for the Forgotten Valve. Results from the TriValve Registry

Transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement is feasible with different devices, with a reasonable procedural success rate, and is associated with low peri-procedural mortality and significant clinical improvement. Mid-term survival was favorable in this high-risk population. Greater leaflet coaptation depth was associated with reduced procedural success, which, unsurprisingly, turned out to be an independent predictor of mortality.<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

EuroPCR 2018 | SAPIEN 3 in bicuspids

First generation TAVR procedures performed on patients with bicuspid aortic valve stenosis have rendered suboptimal outcomes. In addition, studies on new generation devices, such as the SAPIEN 3, have systematically excluded these patients from their protocols. Therefore, we are missing information about TAVR on bicuspid aortic valve stenosis patients. This study compared SAPIEN 3 TAVR<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>


Bicuspid Valves Do Not Increase Mortality in TAVR

The frequency of bicuspid aortic valves (BcAV) are around 1%, but in 60+ patients it is associated to severe aortic stenosis. Even though surgery is the standard treatment, TAVR is the off label indication in high risk patients. &nbsp; BcAV presents differences with tricuspids given that it is more elliptic, has asymmetric calcification and more<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>

Cirugía para mejorar la sobrevida en insuficiencia tricuspidea aislada

Tricuspid and Bicuspid Valves Present More Coincidences Than Expected

There is more and more positive evidence that new-generation transcatheter valves, originally designed to treat tricuspid aortic valves, work perfectly fine on bicuspid aortic valves. A comparison of computerized tomography (CT) scans obtained before and after the procedure showed that the most commonly used devices appear to reshape the aortic annulus to the same degree<a href="" title="Read more" >...</a>
