myocardial revascularization surgery

¿En qué pacientes intentar la recanalización de una oclusión crónica total?

Should Total Occlusion Influence on Revascularization Strategy?

Success or failure of total occlusion (TO) revascularization does not affect mortality at 10 years, and this does not depend on revascularization strategy (PCI vs surgery) or location.  The long-term clinical benefit of recanalization and PCI or TO artery bypass graft remains nuclear.  This is a sub-study of the SYNTAXES (Synergy Between PCI With Taxus...

ESC 2020 | Acute Myocardial Infarction and Anemia: Are Transfusions Necessary?

In anemic patients undergoing acute myocardial infarction, a restrictive transfusion strategy is as safe as a more liberal approach, in addition to saving costs. The cutoff value to decide for a transfusion would be < 8 g/dl hemoglobin. The REALITY outcomes were presented during the virtual ESC 2020 sessions. Anemia is relatively common in patients...

El reemplazo transcatéter en válvulas bicúspides suma evidencia pero continúan los desafíos

TAVR in Bicuspid Has the Same Results in Surgery at Hospital Level

Courtesy of Dr. Carlos Fava. Bicuspid aortic stenosis patients (bicuspid AS) represent a small group and have not been included in the larger transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) studies, since they present different morphology and asymmetric calcification, which might come along with more paravalvular leak and less accurate positioning. Between 2012 and 2016, 475,315 patients...

Disección coronaria en mujeres: poco frecuente y de difícil manejo

Revascularization in Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Causing ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is an increasing cause of acute myocardial infarction, particularly in younger women. These infarctions are frequently treated conservatively given the risks entailed by revascularization, due to the possibility of causing an antegrade or retrograde expansion of the dissection. The uncertainty around treatment for these patients gave way to this study (recently...

Peri-Procedural Infarction in Angioplasty vs. Surgery in the Left Main Coronary Artery

According to the EXCEL trial, peri-procedural infarction was more common after left main coronary artery surgery compared with angioplasty, and it was strongly associated with increased 3-year mortality after controlling all possible confounding variables. This increased mortality was only present in extensive infarctions with an increase in CK-MB ≥10×. The EXCEL trial seems to want...

¿Cirugía bariátrica por cateterismo?

Staged Complete Revascularization vs. Culprit Vessel PCI at Long-Term

Staged complete revascularization in patients with acute myocardial infarction and multivessel coronary disease is superior to culprit PCI only at five-year follow-up. The outcomes of this retrospective analysis show the benefit of staged PCI, though it might be attenuated in diabetic patients. Outcomes are consistent with previously published randomized studies. Nevertheless, we should remain cautious...

Stent directo vs angioplastia convencional y sus interacciones con la trombo-aspiración

Revascularization in Patients with Multivessel Disease, Diabetes, and Kidney Disease

According to this new study, in patients with coronary disease, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease who underwent revascularization through angioplasty or surgery, events are similar. This is one of the first studies painting the real picture for the prognosis of patients revascularized in these conditions (diabetes plus chronic kidney disease).   At first sight, these...

CRM vs DES: ¿Cuál se asocia mejor calidad de vida a largo plazo?

The “Ten Commandments” of Myocardial Revascularization According to Europe

The new European guidelines on myocardial revascularization were developed by a joint effort of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association of Cardiovascular Surgery (EACTS). These guidelines are intended to support clinical practice with pragmatic recommendations based on currently available evidence and on personal experience, whenever evidence is missing. Both coronary angioplasty...

¿Se debe tener en cuenta el género para revascularizar el tronco?

Should Sex Be Taken into Account with Left Main Coronary Artery Revascularization?

The EXCEL trial did not find the sex of patients with left main coronary artery disease to be an independent predictor of adverse events after revascularization. However, women who underwent angioplasty had a trend towards worse outcomes, a finding that might be related to comorbidities and somewhat increased chances of peri-procedural complications. In its formal...
